Oregon Secretary of State

Election Forms

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Forms Provided by the Elections Division

Candidate Filing​

  • SEL 101: Candidate Filing - Major Political Party or Nonp​artisan
    • SEL 102: Candidate Signature Sheet - Major Party (must be approved before circulating)
    • SEL 121: Candidate Signature Sheet -Nonpartisan (must be approved before circulating)
  • SEL 110: Candidate Filing - Minor Political Party
  • SEL 105: Candidate Filing- Precinct Committee Person (online form)
  • SEL 105D​: Write-In Candidate Declaration PCP (online form)
  • SEL 105N​: Write-In Candidate Nomination PCP (online form)
  • SEL 114​​: Candidate Filing - Ind​ividual Electors
    • SEL 122: Candidate Signature Sheet - Individual Electors (must be approved before circulating)
  • SEL 115: Candidate Filing - Assembly of Electors
    • SEL 116: Candidate Signature Sheet - Assembly of Electors (must be approved before circulating)
  • SEL 141​: Write-In Candidate Acceptance Form (online form)
  • SEL 180​: Residence Address Exemption Request​ (online form)
  • SEL 190​​​: Candidate Filing - District
  • SEL190​: Candidate Filing - District (online form)
  • SEL 145​​: Legislative Vacancy - Statement of Nominee's Willingness to Serve
  • SEL 150​: Candidate Filing - Withdrawal (online form)
  • SEL 338​: Petition Submission - Candidate, Voters' Pamphlet

Campaign Finance and Political Committees

  • SEL 220: Statement of Organization for Candidate Committee
  • SEL 221: Statement of Organization for Political Action Committee
  • SEL 222: Statement of Organization for Petition Committee
  • ​SEL 240​:​ Covered Organization Donor Disclosure
  • PC 3​: Cash Expenditures and Loan Payments (online form)
  • PC 7: Certificate of Limited Contributions and Expenditures
  • PC 12​: Statement of Corporate Paid-in-Capital (online form)

Voters' Pamphlet

  • SEL 338: Petition Submission - Candidate, Voters' Pamphlet
  • SEL 400: Statement of Endorsement for State Voters' Petition Submission

Initiative and Referendum

  • State Petitions
    • SEL 310​: Prospective Petition - State Initiative and Referendum (online form)
    • SEL 320: Account Summary (online form)
    • SEL 31​9​​: Template Approval - Initiative and Referendum
    • SEL 32​3​​​: Template Modification (online form)
    • SEL 324: Notice of Ballot Title Challenge​ (online form)​
    •  SEL 339: Petition Submission
    • SEL 375​​: Withdrawal - Petition (online form)
  • Circulators of State Petitions
    • SEL 304: Signature Gathering Firm Registration (online form)
    • SEL 305​: Termination of Circulator Authorization (online form)
    • SEL 307​: Agent Authorization Form (online form)
    • SEL 308: Circulator Registration
    • SEL 309: Chief Petitioner Acknowledgement
  • Local Petitions
    • SEL ​370​: Prospective Petition - Local Initiative and Referendum
      • SEL 371: Signature Sheet-Local Initiative and Referendum (must be approved before circulating)
      • SEL 369: Cover Sheet - Local Initiative and Referendum (must be approved before circulating)
      • SEL 348​​: Electronic Signature Sheet - Local Initiative and Referendum (must be approved before circulating)
    • SEL 339: Petition Submission
    • SEL 375: Withdrawal - Petition (online form)

    Political Party

    • SEL 198: Prospective Petition - Political Party Formation (online form)
    • SEL 321​: Template Modification – Political Party Formation (online form)
    • SEL 339​: Petition Submission


    • SEL 3​50​:​ Prospective Petition - Recall (online form)
      • SEL 351: Signature Sheet – Local Recall (must be approved before circulating)
      • SEL 353: Cover Sheet – Local Recall (must be approved before circulating)​​
      • SEL 349​​​: Electronic Signature Sheet- Local Recall (must be approved before circulating)​
      • SEL 318​​: Template Approval - Recall
    • SEL ​322​​​: Template Modification - Recall (online form)
    • SEL 339​: Petition Submission
    • SEL 352​: Statement of Justification (online form)
    • SEL 375​: Withdrawal - Petition (online form)

    Voter Registration

    • Voter Registration Cards
      • SEL 113: Provisional Voter Registration Form
      • SEL 500: Voter Registration Form
      • SEL 500: Voter Registration Form (Large Print)
      • SEL 500: Tarjeta de Inscripción de Elector de Oregon
      • SEL 500​: Tarjeta de Inscripción de Elector de Oregon (En Letra Grande)
      • SEL 500: 俄勒冈州选民登记卡
      • SEL 500: Thẻ Đăng ký Bầu cử tại tiểu bang Oregon
      • SEL 500: Kaarka Isku Diiwaan Delinta Cod Bixinta Oregon
      • SEL 500: Регистрационная карточка избирателя, проживающего в Орегоне

    • SEL 505: Request for Voter Registration Cards​ (online form)
    • SEL 540: Signature Stamp Attestation Form
    • SEL 550: Application to Exempt Voter Registration Address

    Voting & Ballots

    • SEL 111: Absentee Ballot Request Form
    • SEL 112: Replacement Ballot Request Form
    • SEL 525: Presidential Only Ballot Request Form
    • SEL 531: Facsimile Vote Secret Ballot Waiver Form
    • SEL 535 Vote by Mail Challenge Form
    • SEL 620: Voter Assistance Quick Guide

    Data Requests

    • SEL 510: Request for Statewide and Less Than Statewide Voter List (online form)
    • SEL 534: Request for List of Ballot Challenges

    For Elections Officials


    City Incorporation and District Formation

    • SEL 701: Prospective Petition for Incorporation of a City
    • SEL 702: Petition for Incorporation of a City
    • SEL 702a: Petition for Incorporation of a City
    • SEL 704: Security Deposit for Special District Formation or Reorganization
    • SEL 705: Petition to Create a City by Consolidation of Adjoining or Non-adjoining Cities or Unincorporated Territory
    • SEL 706: Petition for Creation of a City Through Consolidation

    National Voter Registration Act (NVRA)

    • SEL 503: Voter Registration Card with Declination
    • SEL 503a: Spanish Voter Registration Card with Declination
    • SEL 503d: Oregon Voter Registration Declination
    • SEL 504c: NVRA Site Coordinator Change Form (online form)​
