Online applications and parts of the website will be unavailable Saturday, March 29, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Agent Authorization (SEL 307)

Filing Information

  • This form may be used by chief petitioners of an initiative or referendum, the chief petitioner of a recall or the chief sponsor of a political party formation. It will allow anyone named by all current chief petitioners or the chief sponsor to act on their behalf in matters regarding the petition process.  
  • Once listed an agent will remain authorized until the petition is with​drawn or expires or their authorization is terminated.  
  • To notify the filing officer of additional or terminated authorized agents, submit this form, completed in its entirety and signed by all current chief petitioners or the chief sponsor.​

​* indicates required fields.

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Alternative Format

If you are filing for a city other than Portland or Wilsonville, please use the PDF​ form: SEL 307​​​


Political Party Manual​

Recall Manual​

​State Initiative and Referendum Manual​

Revised Statutes

ORS 250.052, Chapter 250 — Initiative and Referendum​
