Oregon Secretary of State

Run for Public Office

​​Use the instructions below if running for the following:

  • Secretary of State
  • State Treasurer
  • Attorney General
  • State Senate
  • State Representative

Major Party Candidates​

Minor Party Candidates 

Nonaffiliated Candidates​ ​​

Use the instructions below if running for the following:

  • Supreme Court
  • Court of Appeals
  • Judge of the Tax Court
  • Circuit Court
  • District Attorney

Nonpartisan Candidates​

File Locally

​​Office​Filing Officer​How to File
Justice of the peace
Precinct committee person​
County elections official​​​Complete and submit appropriate Elections Forms
​City office​City elections official​Complete and submit the appropriate Elections Forms
District office​County elections official​ for the county where the administrative office of the district is located. Complete and submit the appropriate Elections Forms​

Candidates should submit candidacy forms to the appropriate filing officer. Candidates may be required to pay a filing fee or submit signatures in lieu of a fee.​

Local charter or ordinance provisions may supersede this information. Contact the filing officer to ensure you complete the correct forms.

Campaign Finance Disclosures

Under Oregon campaign finance law, a candidate is required to file campaign finance information with the Oregon Elect​ions Division, regardless of where they file candidacy. The information you are required to file depends on the level of financial activity expected during the calendar year. All candidates, except federal candidates and precinct committee persons file campaign finance information with the Elections Division.

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State Voters' Pamphlet

Any state or federal candidate may file a statement for inclusion in the state voters’ pamphlet. Any federal or statewide candidate may submit translated versions of their English statement for inclusion in the online translated voters’ pamphlet. ​

Candidates for county, city and metropolitan service district offices may only file for inclusion in the state voters’ pamphlet if a county in the electoral district is not producing a voters’ pamphlet. Contact the county elections office to find out if they are publishing a voters’ pamphlet and how to be included.

City offices are limited to those cities with population over 50,000.

Candidates must submit statements and translated statements online through ​ORESTAR. The statement must be accompanied by the required filing fee or by a completed voters’ pamphlet petition containing the required number of signatures, in lieu of the filing fee. Translated submissions of paid English statements do not require an additional fee.​

If filing by petition, you must get approval from the Elections Division before gathering signatures.

Endorsement forms can be filed by paper or attached to the electronic filing through ORESTAR.

Candidate Filing Manuals

Manuals for candidates explain the procedures and requirements for filing for office. The manuals also provide the qualifications for public offices, filing deadlines and how to be included in the State Voters’ Pamphlet.

Manuals ​on how to file for candidacy, campaign finance reporting, and voters' pamphlet statements through ORESTAR, are available. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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