Oregon Secretary of State


Department of Transportation

Present Duties

3 story office building about the length of a city block. Cherry trees blossom in front.
The Transportation Building in Salem houses the central offices of the Department of Transportation. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection​)
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) operates under the Oregon Transportation Commission. It builds and maintains Oregon’s robust multimodal transportation network. The agency is organized under four assistant directors and a chief administrative officer who manage government and external relations; operations; revenue, finance and compliance; social equity; and support services.​
Agency Website

Agency Subdivisions

Information about this agency's divisions, offices, and programs.

Contact Information

Phone: 503-986-3200; 1-888-ASK-ODOT (275-6368)
Contact: Kristopher Strickler, Director
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Transportation​

Legal & Legislative Information

​Statutory Authority: ORS 184.615

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications​​​

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem.
Title: Biennial Reports
Dates: 1916-1958
Cubic Ft.: 1
Title: Transportation Commission Meeting Minutes
Dates: 1913-1991
Cubic Ft.: 16
Title: Bridge Construction and Repair Records
Dates: 1920-1952
Cubic Ft.: 1.20
Title: Bridge Construction Drawings Index
Dates: 1915-1976
Cubic Ft.: .50
Title: Bridge Inventory Inspection Records
Dates: ca. 1941-1945
Cubic Ft.: 4.80
Title: Capitol Reconstruction Commission Legal Records
Dates: 1938-1939
Cubic Ft.: .40
Title: City Plat and Boundary Description Records
Dates: ca. 1885-1942
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Correspondence, County
Dates: 1920-1933
Cubic Ft.: 39
Title: Correspondence, General
Dates: 1912-1943
Cubic Ft.: 33.25
Title: Correspondence, State Highway Commission Counsel
Dates: 1919-1949
Cubic Ft.: 4.25
Title: Correspondence, Survey
Dates: 1917-1920
Cubic Ft.: .35
Title: Engineer Diaries
Dates: 1919-ca. 1960
Cubic Ft.: 13.55
Title: Ferry Records
Dates: 1922-1974
Cubic Ft.: .55
Title: Flood Disaster Project Records
Dates: 1964-1967
Cubic Ft.: 6.5
Title: Fremont Bridge Approach Drawing
Dates: ca. 1965
Cubic Ft.: .50
Title: Graphic Art Drawings, Hutchinson and Spooner
Dates: 1936-1958
Cubic Ft.: 17
Title: Graphic Art Drawings, Non-State Highway Department
Dates: ca. 1938
Cubic Ft.: .40
Title: Highway 99W Property Acquisition Report
Dates: 1945
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Highway and Bridge Engineering Award Records
Dates: 1969-1987
Cubic Ft.: .50
Title: Maps, Aerial Photography Coverage
Dates: ca. 1947-ca. 1953
Cubic Ft.: .20
Title: Maps, City and Vicinity
Dates: ca. 1849-1983
Cubic Ft.: 24
Volumes: 6
Title: Maps, City Plat
Dates: 1936-1980
Cubic Ft.: 6
Title: Maps, General Highway
Dates: 1936-1980
Cubic Ft.: 22
Title: Maps, Market Road
Dates: 1914-1936 ca.
Cubic Ft.: 75
Title: Maps, Metsker's
Dates: 1927-1958
Cubic Ft.: 7
Title: Maps, Miscellaneous
Dates: ca. 1846-1977
Cubic Ft.: 13
Volumes: 1
Title: Maps, Official State Highway
Dates: 1916-1984
Cubic Ft.: 1
Title: Maps, Oregon Coast Highway
Dates: 1916
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Maps, Road and Highway Index
Dates: 1936-1980
Cubic Ft.: 10.50
Title: Maps, State-Wide Highway Planning Survey
Dates: 1936-1939
Cubic Ft.: 6
Volumes: 17
Title: Maps, Street Surface
Dates: ca. 1936-ca. 1937
Cubic Ft.: 30
Title: Newspaper Clippings Scrap Books
Dates: 1916-1950
Cubic Ft.: 24
Title: Oregon Coast Highway Bridges Construction Financial Records
Dates: 1934-1937
Cubic Ft.: 3.90
Title: "Oregon Covered Bridges" Study
Dates: 1988
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Photographic Negatives, Governor and State Agencies
Dates: ca. 1955-1986
Cubic Ft.: .60
Title: Photographs, Aerial
Dates: ca. 1948-ca. 1968
Cubic Ft.: 3.50
Title: Photographs and Negatives, Carlton Hotel
Dates: 1964
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Photographs and Negatives, Legal and Technical
Dates: ca. 1935-1984
Cubic Ft.: 3
Volumes: 3
Title: Photographs and Negatives, Trucks and Equipment
Dates: 1960-1968
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Photographs, Biennial Report
Dates: 1949-1972
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Photographs, Highway Landscaping
Dates: 1965
Cubic Ft.: .15
Title: Public Information Film and News Release
Dates: 1966
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Publications
Dates: ca. 1925-ca. 1952
Cubic Ft.: 1.90
Title: Road Shoulder Design Study Records
Dates: 1955
Cubic Ft.: 1.50
Title: Road Survey Logs
Dates: 1931-1984
Cubic Ft.: 28.10
Title: Speeches
Dates: 1934-1956
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: State Architect's Records
Dates: 1908-1919
Cubic Ft.: 1
Title: Survey Bench Mark Records
Dates: 1933-1958
Cubic Ft.: 1.40
Title: Survey Leveling Records
Dates: 1924-1949
Cubic Ft.: 3.25
Title: Survey Quadrangle Records
Dates: 1924-1945
Cubic Ft.: 2.80
Title: Tourism Division Publication Matte
Dates: ca. 1950
Cubic Ft.: .05
Title: Unemployment Monitoring and Relief Records
Dates: 1931-1932
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Work Projects Administration (WPA) Highway Construction Records
Dates: 1936-1941
Cubic Ft.: 3
Title: Correspondence, Oswald West
Dates: 1940
Cubic Ft.: .05
Title: Fort Clatsop Drawing Photograph
Dates: 1955
Cubic Ft.: .05
Title: Historic Markers List
Dates: 1939
Cubic Ft.: .05
Title: Historic Site Survey Reports
Dates: 1955
Cubic Ft.: .05
Title: Oral History Audio Tapes
Dates: 1965-1968
Cubic Ft.: 6
Title: Photographs and Negatives, Tourism and Travel
Dates: ca. 1935-1984
Cubic Ft.: 22.55
Title: Proposed Park Site Records
Dates: 1955
Cubic Ft.: .15
Title: State Parks Historical Sketches
Dates: 1933-1948
Cubic Ft.: .20
Title: Willamette River Greenway Plan Records
Dates: 1974-1975
Cubic Ft.: 3
Title: Oregon Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Records
Dates: 1950-1989
Cubic Ft.: 6.50
Title: Administrative and Grant Review Records
Dates: 1968-1984
Cubic Ft.: 3
Title: Willamette Valley Rail Study Committee Records
Dates: 1975-1983
Cubic Ft.: 5.5