Oregon Secretary of State

Records Retention Schedules

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The State Archivist grants authorization to Oregon government agencies, in the form of records retention schedules, for the retention and disposition of public records in their custody. Collaborating with staff of the agency being surveyed, the State Archivist considers the value of the public records for legal, fiscal, administrative, tribal cultural, or research purposes.​​​​​

June 2023 Supplementary Schedule​

Special Authorization to Destroy Records​
All agencies are authorized to use records retention series in the above ​supplementary schedule until they are fully integrated into all appropriate general retention schedules.

Special Records Retention

Special Records Retention Schedules are specific to the records of a particular state agency. Agencies should consult both General Records Retention Schedules and Special Records Retention Schedules. Special Records Retention Schedules