Oregon Secretary of State


Oregon State Police

Present Duties

Oregon State Police office building
The Oregon State Police office building in Salem. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection​)
The Oregon State Police (OSP) enforces traffic laws on the state’s roadways, investigates and solves crimes, conducts post-mortem examinations and forensic analysis and provides background checks and law enforcement data. OSP regulates gaming, the handling of hazardous materials, fire codes, educates the public on fire safety and enforces fish, wildlife and natural resource laws. 

Other specialized programs and services include drug investigation, state emergency response coordination, state Fire Marshal Service and Conflagration Act coordination, coordination of federal grants for public safety issues, coordination of Criminal Justice Information Standards, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) and serving as the point of contact to the National Office of Homeland Security. The department employs more than 1,300 sworn and professional staff.​  ​
Agency Website

Agency Subdivisions

Information about this agency's divisions, offices, and programs.

Contact Information

Telephone: 503-378-3720
General Email: ask.osp@osp.oregon.gov
Contact: Casey Codding, Superintendent
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for State Police​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS 181A.015

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications​​

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem.
Title: Capitol Fire Investigation Records
Dates: 1935-1940
Cub ic Ft.: .25