The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is responsible for protecting and enhancing Oregon’s water, air and land quality; managing the proper disposal of solid and hazardous wastes; providing assistance in cleaning up contaminated properties; and enforcing Oregon’s environmental laws. DEQ fights climate change with policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prevent toxic chemical releases and mitigate risks from toxins already in the environment. DEQ also provides communities with technical assistance. The agency director has authority to issue civil penalties for violations of pollution laws and standards. DEQ relies on several citizen advisory committees and government officials to guide its decisions.
DEQ employs approximately 800 scientists, engineers, geologists, toxicologists, inspectors, legal and policy staff, technicians, managers and professional support staff across the state. Their headquarters are located in Portland, with regional offices throughout the state.
Agency Website
Information about this agency's divisions, offices, programs, etc.
Contact Information
Telephone: 503-229-5696; Toll-free (Oregon only): 1-800-452-4011
Contact: Leah Feldon, Director
Legal & Legislative Information
Statutory Authority: ORS Chapters
468.030Records & Publications