Oregon Secretary of State


Department of Environmental Quality: Agency Subdivisions

Environmental Quality Commission

Address: 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600, Portland 97232
Phone: 503-229-5695
Fax: 503-229-6124
Contact: Lindsay Trapp

This commission is DEQ’s policy and rulemaking board. They adopt administrative rules, issue orders and judge appeals for fines or other department actions. They also hire the DEQ director. Commission members are appointed to four-year terms by the governor.

Air and Water Quality Divisions

Address: 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600, Portland 97232
Phone: Toll-free (Oregon only): 1-800-452-4011
Ali Mirzakhalili, Air Quality Administrator, 503-229-5041
Jennifer Wigal​, Water Quality Administrator, 503-229-5323

Air and Water Quality Programs monitor air and water quality, and permit and inspect facilities throughout the state to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. The programs provide data showing long-term trends in Oregon’s air and water quality. They also offer real-time air quality conditions across Oregon through tools such as the Air Quality Index. 

The Water Quality Program develops and implements water quality standards, regulates sewage treatment systems and industrial dischargers, collects and evaluates water quality data, provides grants and technical assistance to improve water quality and provides loans to communities to upgrade treatment facilities. 

The Air Quality Program works to ensure Oregon’s air meets the National Ambient Air Quality Standards required by the Federal Clean Air Act. The program monitors and analyzes air quality data, regulates emissions from a variety of sources and conducts vehicle emissions testing in Medford and the Portland metro area.

Land Quality Division

Address: 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600, Portland 97232
Phone: 503-229-6411; Toll-free (Oregon only): 1-800-452-4011
Contact: Lydia Emer, Administrator

The division oversees agency programs in environmental cleanup and site assessment, hazardous and solid waste, spill response, underground storage tanks and materials management. DEQ inventories and assesses sites contaminated with hazardous waste and supervises development and implementation of cleanup strategies. DEQ oversees Oregon’s only hazardous waste landfill, regulates hazardous waste disposal and offers business​ pollution prevention assistance.

Regional Programs

DEQ operates three regional offices to oversee air, land, and water protection throughout the state.

Northwest Region
Address: 700 NE Multnomah St. Suite 600, Portland 97232
Phone: 503-229-5263
Contact: Christine Svetkovich, Administrator: 

Western Region
Address: 165 E. 7th Ave. Suite 100, Eugene 97401
Phone: 541-686-7838
Contact: Keith Andersen, Administrator, 

Eastern Region
Address: 475 NE Bellevue Drive, Suite 110, Bend 97701
Phone: 541-388-6146
Contact: Shannon Davis, Administrator, 541-633-2018