Oregon Secretary of State


Department of Education

Present Duties

Public Service Building
The Public Service Building in Salem houses the central offices of the Department of Education. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection)
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) oversees the education of over 547,000 students in Oregon’s public K-12 education system. ODE programs and services support school districts, students and their families. The agency also provides technical assistance and oversight of special education programs, federal title programs, the state School for the Deaf, education programs in Oregon hospitals and youth corrections facilities. 

ODE and the State Board of Education help districts achieve statewide goals by developing policies and standards; providing accurate and timely data to inform instruction; training teachers to use data effectively; administering state and federal grants; and helping districts implement best practices.​  ​
Agency Website

Agency Subdivisions

Information about this agency's divisions, offices, programs, etc.

Contact Information​

Phone: 503-947-5600
Contact: Dr. Charlene Williams​, Director
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Education Department​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS 326.111
Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency 

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem.
Title: Administrative and organization records
Dates: n.d.
Cubic Ft.: 1.75
Title: Americanization Department records
Dates: 1926-1935
Cubic Ft.: 1
Title: Area education district formation and annexation election records
Dates: 1960-1975
Cubic Ft.: 1
Title: Assistant/deputy superintendent of public instruction administrative records
Dates: 1930-1956
Cubic Ft.: 8.15
Title: County school superintendent annual reports
Dates: 1896-1970
Cubic Ft.: 3.10
Volumes : 16
Title: County school superintendent correspondence
Dates: 1912-1929
Cubic Ft.: 11.25
Title: Deaf school correspondence
Dates: 1896-1898
Cubic Ft.: .05
Title: Education reform advisory committees records
Dates: 1948-1951
Cubic Ft.: 2.90
Title: Health and Physical Education Division correspondence
Dates: 1945-1953
Cubic Ft.: 5
Title: Higher education reports and statements
Dates: 1927-1940
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Index State Board of Education meeting records
Dates: n.d.
Volumes: 1
Title: Indian pupil attendance reports
Dates: 1946-1948
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Joint State Board of Education Minutes
Dates: 1951 - 1960
Cubic Ft.: .20
Volumes: 1
Title: Legal Case Files
Dates: 1960 - 1965
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Linn - Benton Intermediate Education District (IED) Merger
Dates: 1967
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Local history writing project records
Dates: 1959
Cubic Ft.: .15
Title: Miscellaneous reports and studies
Dates: 1923-1945
Cubic Ft.: .60
Title: National Defense Education Act application records
Dates: 1958-1961
Cubic Ft.: 6
Title: Oregon School for the Deaf photographs
Dates: 1906-1971
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Oregon State Reform School (MacLaren) superintendent's reports
Dates: 1903-1904
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Oregon State Teachers Association correspondence
Dates: 1900-1918
Cubic Ft.: .30
Title: Publications
Dates: 1918-1981
Cubic Ft.: 14.85
Title: Rules and Regulations
Dates: 1966
Volumes: 2
Title: School Building Survey records
Dates: 1939-1940
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: School district reorganization records
Dates: 1939-1941
Cubic Ft.: .50
Title: School facility survey records
Dates: 1950-1952
Cubic Ft.: 4
Title: Special education administrative records
Dates: 1947-1950
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Special projects records
Dates: 1981-1984
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Staff meeting records
Dates: 1943-1984
Cubic Ft.: .35
Title: State Board of Education correspondence
Dates: 1950-1960
Cubic Ft.: .20
Title: State Board of Education meeting records
Dates: 1873-1975
Cubic Ft.: 6.10
Volumes: 3
Title: Superintendent of public instruction administrative records
Dates: 1895-1981
Cubic Ft.: 156.60
Title: Superintendent's Correspondence
Dates: 1968-1974, 1983-1984
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Superintendent's Speeches
Dates: 1976-1984
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Textbook Commission records
Dates: 1926-1939
Cubic Ft.: .35
Title: Vocational Rehabilitation Division correspondence
Dates: 1962-1963
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Vocational Rehabilitation Division special project records
Dates: 1961-1966
Cubic Ft.: .35
Title: Wartime federal child care program records
Dates: 1941-1945
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Wartime school transportation adjustment records
Dates: 1943-1945
Cubic Ft.: 1.25
Title: White House Conference on Education records
Dates: 1955-1957
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Nonpublic school standardization records
Dates: 1941-1962
Cubic Ft.: 4
Title: Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges annual reports
Dates: 1939-1981
Cubic Ft.: 34.35
Title: Public school standardization records
Dates: 1915-1969
Cubic Ft.: 21.75
Title: Standard high school annual reports
Dates: 1929-1957
Cubic Ft.: 2.50
Title: Teacher certification statistical reports
Dates: 1928-1943
Cubic Ft.: .20
Title: Agricultural education correspondence
Dates: 1935-1944
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Agriculture club reports
Dates: 1929-1960
Cubic Ft.: 1.50
Title: Apprenticeship training development records
Dates: 1973-1977
Cubic Ft.: .20
Title: Correspondence
Dates: 1938-1951
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: County apprenticeship committee meeting records
Dates: 1950-1955
Cubic Ft.: .60
Title: County Vocational Training Memorandum (VTM) Board meeting records
Dates: 1951-1955
Cubic Ft.: .40
Title: Distributive education general files
Dates: 1939-1952
Cubic Ft.: 6.25
Title: Food conservation program records
Dates: 1945-1947
Cubic Ft.: 1
Title: Home economics education records
Dates: 1936-1961
Cubic Ft.: 19.05
Title: Occupational Information and Guidance Service records
Dates: 1943-1952
Cubic Ft.: 8
Title: Oregon State Teachers Association Vocational Education Department records
Dates: 1932-1934
Cubic Ft.: .10
Title: Plans and reports
Dates: 1932-1979
Cubic Ft.: 3
Title: Public service training records
Dates: 1947-1950
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Publications
Dates: 1921-1959
Cubic Ft.: 1.5
Title: State Board for Vocational Education meeting records
Dates: 1927-1941
Cubic Ft.: .20
Title: State Director of Vocational Education records
Dates: 1934-1944
Cubic Ft.: 4.75
Title: Subject files
Dates: 1937-1960
Cubic Ft.: 6
Title: Trade and industrial correspondence
Dates: 1913-1953
Cubic Ft.: 18.60
Title: Vocational agricultural instructors conference reports
Dates: 1929-1939
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: War production training program records
Dates: 1942-1945
Cubic Ft.: 1
Title: War production workers training records
Dates: 1941-1946
Cubic Ft.: 3