State Board of Education
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Phone: 503-947-5600
The board sets policies and standards for Oregon’s public school districts and educational service districts. These agencies have separate governing bodies responsible for transacting business within their jurisdictions. The board s also adopts administrative rules for the Oregon Department of Education.
The board has nine voting members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. Six members represent Oregon’s congressional districts, and three represent the state at-large. One at-large member must be engaged in teaching as a licensed teacher, and one must be engaged as a classified staff member in a public school or for an education service district. Members serve four-year terms and are limited to two consecutive terms.
Board members elect a chair each year. The state treasurer and the secretary of state or their designees also serve on the board as nonvoting, ex officio members. The board holds public meetings at least six times per year.
Fair Dismissal Appeals Board
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Contact: Emily Nazarov, Executive Secretary
The Fair Dismissal Appeals Board has 24 members appointed by the governor: six public school administrators, six contract teachers, six school board members and six who must have no occupational affiliation with a school district. Each category must be further distributed by size of school district. The board was created to hear appeals of teacher and administrator dismissals by school districts. Once an appeal is filed, a three-member panel is selected by the board’s executive secretary to hear the appeal and render a decision.
Quality Education Commission
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Phone: 503-947-5670
Contact: Dan Farley, Assistant Superintendent of Research, Assessment, Data, Accountability, & Reporting
The commission identifies educational best practices and estimates the funding level required to ensure K-12 public education meets the goals established in statute. They also maintain the Quality Education Model used to estimate educational costs.
Oregon School for the Deaf
Address: 999 Locust St. NE, Salem 97301-5254
Phone: 503-378-3825
Video phone: 503-400-6180
Contact: Dr. Sharla Jones, Director
The Oregon School for the Deaf (OSD) educates Deaf and Hard of Hearing students (PK-21) who require services and support in American Sign Language and English, provided by bilingually trained teachers and amongst a critical mass of their Deaf peers. OSD is funded by legislative appropriation and is governed by ODE. In the 2023-2024 school year, 100 students were enrolled at the school at no cost to their families.
Youth Development Oregon
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Phone: 503-378-5148
Contact: Brian Detman, Director
The Youth Development Division (YDD) develops state policy and administers funding for community, tribal and school-based youth development programs, services, and initiatives. The YDD also does compliance monitoring for the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). JJDPA ensures the rights and safety of minors in secure facilities and reduces racial and ethnic disparities at juvenile justice decision points.
The Youth Development Council (YDC) is the governing body for the division. They provide guidance and and direct funding for programs that support youth educational success, career/workforce development and juvenile crime prevention. The YDC also acts as the State Advisory Group (SAG) under the federal JJDPA.
Youth Development Oregon (YDO) is used to refer to the work of the YDD and YDC collectively where both entities play a role.