Oregon Blue Book is our state's official almanac and fact book. It is produced by the Oregon State Secretary of State's Office and has been in continuous publication since 1911. The
Oregon Blue Book contains listings and descriptions of government agencies and educational institutions. It also features an almanac, maps, facts about Oregon history and elections, as well as information on the arts, media, and other cultural institutions in Oregon. The
print version of the Oregon Blue Book is published during odd-numbered years as required by ORS
Goals and Features
Oregon Blue Book’s main goal is to help Oregonians understand and access their government and related institutions. Here on our digital
Oregon Blue Book we provide the latest information possible with thousands of links to allow for even more as needed. We're constantly searching newspapers, talking with government offices and checking with institutions and others to gather the most up-to-date information for this digital space.
But understanding requires more than directories and links. The
Oregon Blue Book is also rich with original content.
Pilot Rock is located in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, one of Oregon's four national monuments. (Oregon State Archives photo) This
2023-2024 Oregon Blue Book celebrates Oregon’s four national monuments: John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Newberry Volcanic National Monument, Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve, and Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. We have created a special
digital story about the monuments designed to re-introduce these special places to Oregonians. We have also included two exceptional
Oregon National Monuments Essays, written by experts on the Indigenous tribal connections to these lands and the geologic history.