Oregon Blue Book has been published since 1911. The
Oregon Blue Book is a product of the Secretary of State Office. It is compiled and published by the Oregon State Archives, a division of the Secretary of State's Office.
Print Version
Carla Axtman, Managing Editor
Brett Fuller, Copy Editor
Emma Snodgrass, Web Editor
Kierrah Byrd, Designer
Archives Division, Office of the Secretary of State, Salem, Oregon 97310
Additional Assistance
Office of the Secretary of State:
Archives Division, Stephanie Clark, State Archivist
Fact gathering and verification: Crystal Zoodsma
Proofreader: Jade Chan
Section review: Maya Bergmann, Crystal Zoodsma
Business Services Division: Blue Book order processing & fulfillment, Michael Williams ,Director. Michael Hickam, Manager; Aubrey Gesner, Karla Willmschen and John New
Elections Division: Lydia Plukchi
Department of Administrative Services, Chief Financial Office and Geospatial Enterprise Office, Maps
Department of Administrative Services, Publishing & Distribution: Julie Monk, Keith Whittier
Employment Department, Research Division: Gail Krumenauer, State Employment Economist;
Office of the State Court Administrator: Kim Blanding, Judicial Section
Oregon State Legislature: Wendy Cortes and Mandi McGowan
Oregon Department of Education: Jon Wiens, Research, Education Section
Higher Education Coordinating Commission: Endi Hartigan, Education Section
Web Version
Carla Axtman, Emma Snodgrass, Griffin Walker, Brett Fuller, Ben Zeiner, and Gary Halvorson, Web Editors