Oregon Secretary of State


Dedication: County Clerks

Kate Brown

This edition of the Oregon Blue Book is dedicated to Oregon’s 36 county clerks, their committed staff, and the countless volunteers who ensure the integrity of our state’s elections and preserve our public records.

Your work reaches every corner of our state, from the high desert landscapes of Harney and Malheur counties to the rugged coastlines stretching from Clatsop to Curry, from the fertile Willamette Valley and the Land of Umpqua, to the sweeping plains of Baker and Wallowa. It is a testament to your commitment that Oregonians, no matter where they live or their different experiences, can trust in the fairness, transparency, and integrity of our elections. 

Your valuable service forges that critical connection between Oregonians and the democratic process. Regardless of whether you serve residents in our urban areas or communities scattered across our rural landscape, your work ensures that every voice is heard and every vote is counted. 

Elections are the cornerstone of our shared future, and your efforts to uphold them are a beacon of hope and confidence. It is through your professionalism, commitment, and perseverance that Oregon leads the way in making voting safe, accessible, secure, and inclusive for all citizens. 

Thank you for safeguarding the democratic process across our diverse and beautiful state. Your work inspires trust and strengthens the ties that unite us as Oregonians. 

With deep appreciation, 

Tobias Read 

Secretary of State ​