Oregon Secretary of State


Oregon Youth Authority

Present Duties

Oregon Youth Authority office
A building in downtown Salem houses the leased central offices of the Oregon Youth Authority. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection​)
The Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) protects the public and reduces crime by holding youth accountable for their behavior and providing opportunities for reformation in safe environments. 

OYA provides treatment, education and job training services to youths aged 12 to 25. OYA is responsible for youth who commit offenses between the ages of 12 and 18 and have been committed to OYA by county juvenile courts.OYA is also responsible for physical custody over youths sentenced as adults to the legal custody of the Oregon Department of Corrections.

OYA employs approximately 1,000 people throughout Oregon with central offices in Salem; provides probation and parole services in all 36 counties in Oregon; operates nine close-custody facilities; and contracts with a range of residential treatment providers and foster parents to ensure youth receive the most appropriate combination of placement, treatment and other services needed to leave OYA’s custody ready to lead productive, crime-free lives.
Agency Website​

Contact Information

Phone: 503-373-7205
Contact: Jana McLellan, Interim​ Director
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Youth Authority​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS 420A.010

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu