State Treasurer Elizabeth Steiner
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State Treasurer Elizabeth Steiner
Elizabeth Steiner is Oregon’s 30th Treasurer. She is the first woman and first physician to hold this office. Born in New York and raised in Massachusetts, she moved to Oregon in 1991 for her family medicine residency at OHSU. Within in six months of arriving she knew Oregon was home and has been here ever since.
Elizabeth served in the State Senate for thirteen years prior to being elected Treasurer. She served as Senate Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Ways & Means for six years, gaining expertise in managing the state’s budget, engaging in economic development across the state, and working closely with Treasury regarding bonding. Her policy work focused on upstream public health including preventing tobacco & e-cigarette use by minors and creating the nation’s first universally-offered home visiting program for families with new babies.
As a family physician Elizabeth knows that financial security is critical for good physical and mental health. She is excited to help more Oregonians achieve better health by building financial security through financial empowerment programs and use of various savings programs offered through the Oregon Treasury.
Elizabeth and her three adult children all live in Portland.
State Treasurer's Duties
159 State Capitol, 900 Court St. NE, Salem 97301-4043; 503-378-4329
Elizabeth Steiner; Portland; Democrat; elected November 2024; term expires January 2029.
The state treasurer is elected to a four-year term and is limited to two consecutive terms in office during any 12-year period.
The state treasurer is a constitutional officer and a statewide elected official. The treasurer serves as the chief financial officer for the state and is responsible for the prudent management of billions of taxpayer dollars. The treasurer serves as the state’s chief investment officer and has the duty of investing the monies of numerous funds such as the Public Employees Retirement Fund, the State Accident Insurance Fund and the Common School Fund.
The treasurer serves on a variety of state financial boards and on the State Land Board, which has a fiduciary duty to manage state trust lands for the benefit of the Common School Fund.
The treasurer’s financial responsibilities include managing the investment of state funds, issuing state bonds, serving as the central bank for state agencies and administering the Oregon 529 Savings Network, Oregon Retirement Savings Plan, the Oregon Investment Council and State Debt Policy Advisory Commission.
Statutory Authority: ORS Chapter 178