Oregon Secretary of State


Oregon Racing Commission

Present Duties

The commission regulates the pari-mutuel industry in Oregon, including horse racing, on-and-off-track wagering and online wagering for the good of the horses, those who work with the horses, the bettors, the licensees and the citizenry. The commission also regulates multi-jurisdictional account wagering hubs licensed in Oregon. By statute, 25% of the fees on wagering through these hubs goes to the state General Fund; the remaining 75% is used to support racing industry activities such as a commercial race meet in Grants Pass and the summer race meets in communities throughout the state. 

The commission’s five-member governing board is appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. Terms are four years.
Agency Website​

Contact Information

Address: PO Box 366, Gresham 97030
Phone: 971-673-0207
Contact: Connie Winn, Executive Director
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Racing Commission​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS 462.210

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem.
Title: Annual Reports
Dates: 1937, 1979
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Budgets
Dates: 1945-1981
Cubic Ft.: .2
Title: Commission Minutes
Dates: 1980, 1984-1994
Cubic Ft.: 4
Title: Correspondence
Dates: 1933-1979
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Photographs - Dog Races, Horse Races
Dates: 1946-1980
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Race Meet Rules and Regulations
Dates: 1951-1979
Cubic Ft.: .1