Contact Information
Address: 2850 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, #1121, Beaverton 97005
Phone: 503-871-9036
Contact: Todd Albert, Public Records Advocate
Statutory Authority:
ORS 192.461
The Public Records Advocate is appointed by the Public Records Advisory Council. They provide advice, policy development and facilitated dispute resolution services at the request of government bodies or public records requesters regarding the Oregon public records law, provides public employee and public trainings on requirements and best practices. They serve as Executive Director and voting member of the Public Records Advisory Council.
Agency Website
Public Records Advisory Council
Address: 2850 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, #1121, Beaverton 97005
Phone: 503-871-9036
Contact: Todd Albert, Public Records Advocate
Statutory Authority:
ORS 192.461
The Public Records Advisory Council (PRAC) are bipartisan public records experts representing state and local governments, the media, the public and public sector workforce. The PRAC meets at least once every six months and at other times and places specified by the call of the chair or a majority of the members.
PRAC selects and appoints the Public Records Advocate and surveys state agency, other jurisdictions and public body practices and procedures for receiving public records requests. The committee identifies the existence of records responsive to requests, gathers and discloses responsive records, determines fee estimates and imposes or waives fees. It is also responsible for determining and applying exemptions from required disclosure, identifying inefficiencies and inconsistencies in application of the public records law and making recommendations on changes in law, policy or practice related to public records and transparency in government. The committee makes recommendations on the role of the Public Records Advocate as facilitator in disputes between public records custodians and public record requesters. PRAC reports the findings of the council, including recommendations for legislation, to the governor and Legislature by December 1 of each even numbered year.