The Crown Plaza Building in downtown Portland. It holds the offices of the Oregon Medical Board. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection)
Present Duties
The board regulates of the practice of medicine in Oregon. The agency licenses and regulates medical doctors (MD), doctors of osteopathic medicine (DO), doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM), physician assistants (PA) and acupuncturists (LAc).
The 14-member board is comprised of eleven professional members: six MDs, two DOs, two PAs, and one DPM. Three public members represent health consumers. Each member is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. The board sets qualifications for licensure and grants licenses to applicants who meet those requirements. It investigates complaints and disciplines licensees who violate state law (the Medical Practice Act). The board also supports rehabilitation and education for licensees to promote access to quality care for all Oregonians. The board oversees more than 25,000 licensees and is staffed with 41 employees.
Agency Website
Contact Information
Telephone: 971-673-2700
Legal & Legislative Information
Statutory Authority: ORS Chapter
677Records & Publications