
Oregon State Lottery

Present Duties

State Lottery Building
The State Lottery Building in Salem houses the central offices of the Oregon State Lottery. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection​)
The Lottery is a state agency governed by the Oregon State Lottery Commission. The agency has about 400 employees.

Under the Oregon State Constitution, the Lottery must generate revenue and be entirely self-funded. State law requires at least 84% of total annual revenues be returned to the public, with at least 50% being returned as prizes and the remainder used for designated public purposes. The remaining 16% of annual revenues are available for administrative expenses. Lottery administrative expenses are currently at just under 4% of revenue.

The Oregon Lottery is a major source of revenue for the state, bringing in nearly $2 billion each biennium. Lottery dollars support public education, economic development, state parks and watershed enhancement, veterans’ services, Outdoor School, problem gambling treatment and prevention, and more.​

Lottery funds are also used to pay debt service on Lottery-backed revenue bonds. The state sells these bonds to fund projects in communities around the state. Lottery-backed bonds are highly rated allowing Oregon to borrow money at competitive rates. As of 2023, the state has $1.3 billion in outstanding Lottery-backed bonds. 

From 1985 to 2024, Lottery players won over $68.5 billion in prizes and Lottery transferred nearly $28 billion to support public programs in Oregon.
Agency Website

Contact Information

Mailing Address: PO Box 12649, Salem 97309
Physical Address: ​ 500 Airport Rd SE, Salem, OR 97301​
Telephone: 503-540-1000; TTY: 800-766-6789
Contact: Michael Wells, Director
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Lottery​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS Chapter 461

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications​​

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency

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