Oregon Secretary of State


Oregon State Library

Present Duties

State Library Building
The State Library Building in Salem houses the central offices of the Oregon State Library. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection​)
The library provides information services to state government, library services to Oregonians who are print-disabled, and leadership, grants and other assistance to improve library service for all Oregonians. The State Library of Oregon Library Advisory Board has nine members from across the state appointed by the governor. The library is organized into an operations division and three program divisions. 

The Operations Division provides services and support to State Library staff members and volunteers. The division manages the agency finances, provides information technology support, communications support, and recruits, trains and supports volunteers providing services throughout the agency. 

The Government Information and Library Services Division provides library services to state employees and to persons on official state business, including research assistance, professional development, training on using library services and access to both physical and electronic resources. Collections include federal and state government publications and a comprehensive collection of materials about Oregon. The division also provides Oregonians permanent access to state government publications by maintaining a digital state documents repository. 

The Library Support and Development Services Division provides leadership and consulting assistance to approximately 1,600 libraries of all types across the state, coordinating statewide library services in partnership with other libraries; providing equal access to information resources for K-12 students through the Oregon School Library Information System; collecting and reporting library statistics; and administering state and federal library grant programs. 

The Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library is the Oregon Regional Library for the Library of Congress’ National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, as well as the Oregon Center for the Book. Oregonians with a print disability, which includes visual, physical and reading impairments, are eligible for free library services. Braille, audio books, descriptive videos and magazines are available for free through the mail or via download to eligible readers.​
Agency Website

Contact Information

Phone: 503-378-4243
Contact: Wendy Cornelisen​​, State Librarian
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Library​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS Chapter 357.021

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications​

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem.
Title: American Library Association
Dates: 1905-1959
Cubic Ft.: 1.8
Title: Archives Division Correspondence
Dates: 1945-1973
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Archives Program Development Records
Dates: 1941-1958
Cubic Ft.: .3
Title: Book Lists
Dates: 1907-1952
Cubic Ft.: .3
Title: Central Oregon Library Association
Dates: 1944-1949
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Eastern Oregon Library Association
Dates: 1947-1949
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Field Services Reports and Correspondence
Dates: 1906-1959
Cubic Ft.: .6
Title: "Letters to Libraries"
Dates: 1921-1960
Cubic Ft.: 1.6
Title: Library Administrative Correspondence, A-Y
Dates: 1905-1976
Cubic Ft.: 23
Title: Library Committee and Conference Records
Dates: 1941-1967
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Local Library Correspondence
Dates: 1905-1964
Cubic Ft.: 22
Title: Monthly Reports
Dates: 1959-1974
Cubic Ft.: 1.5
Title: Oregon Library Association Correspondence
Dates: 1944-1950
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Pacific Northwest Library Association Correspondence
Dates: 1911-1952
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Press Releases
Dates: 1907-1964
Cubic Ft.: .7
Title: Public Library Reports and Correspondence
Dates: 1910-1954
Cubic Ft.: 1.25
Title: Publications
Dates: 1921-1952
Cubic Ft.: 2.4
Title: Radio Program Records
Dates: 1928-1954
Cubic Ft.: .4
Title: Rules and Procedures Records
Dates: 1916-1953
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Traveling Library Records
Dates: 1905-1959
Cubic Ft.: 2.6
Title: Victory Book Campaign Records
Dates: 1941-1946
Cubic Ft.: 1