Oregon Secretary of State


State Board of Geologist Examiners

Present Duties

The ​mission of the board is to safeguard the health, welfare and property of Oregonians with respect to geologic practice in Oregon. The board accomplishes this primarily through the registration of geologists. It also reviews complaints about geologist conduct and practice or unlicensed geologic practice. The board also has authority to impose civil penalties, suspend, revoke or not renew registrations or seek other resolutions as appropriate. In addition, the board works to inform the public, government agencies and others about the practice of geology. 

The board sets examination, education and experience standards for geologist registration and for a specialty certification in engineering geology, evaluates applications for examination and registration based on these standards and administers national and engineering geology specialty examinations. Geologists licensed in other states or jurisdictions can apply for registration in Oregon but must meet all of the board’s standards.

Approximately 870 geologists are registered to practice in Oregon, with about 175 also holding certification in engineering geology. There are also about 100 geologists-in-training registered with the board. The board is composed of four Oregon registered geologists, the state geologist (i.e., the Director of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries) and a public member. The board is served by two staff, an executive director and a registration specialist.
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Contact Information

Mailing Address: ​​ 1500 Liberty Street, SE, Suite 210, Salem, 97302​
Telephone: 503-566-2837​
Contact: Chr​istine Valentine, Administrator
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Geologist Examiners Board​
Records Officer Email: Christine Valentine

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS 672.615
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