Oregon Secretary of State


Department of Forestry

Present Duties

Oregon Department of Forestry building
​The State Forester’s Building at the Oregon Department of Forestry headquarters in Salem was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression and is on the National Register of Historic Places. (Oregon State Arch​ives Scenic Images collection​)
The Board of Forestry and Department of Forestry (ODF) were established in 1911, along with the positions of state forester and deputy state forester. Today, the board and department protect and promotes resilient forests for the benefit of all Oregonians. 

The agency has 800 permanent and over 600 seasonal employees who work out of the agency’s Salem headquarters or one of the 32 ODF field offices statewide. The department has three operational divisions: —Forest Resources, Fire Protection and State Forests. ​
Agency Website

Agency Subdivisions

Information about this agency's divisions, offices, programs, etc.

Contact Information

Mailing Address: ​ 2600 State St., Salem 97310​
Telephone: 503-945-7200​
Contact: Kate Skinner, Acting S​tate Forester​
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Forestry Department​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS Chapters 321, 477, 526, 527, 530, 532

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications​

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem.
Title: Agency Newsletters
Dates: 1947-1969
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Air Operations Correspondence
Dates: 1940-1979
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Aircraft Warning Service Records
Dates: 1942-1943
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Area Forester's Correspondence
Dates: 1964-1984
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Area Research Reports
Dates: 1969-1982
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Area Safety Committee Records
Dates: 1978-1984
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Biennial Reports
Dates: 1944-1964
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Board of Forestry Meeting Minutes
Dates: 1950-1970
Cubic Ft.: 3.25
Title: Board of Forestry Resolutions
Dates: 1959-1966
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Burn Pattern Project Records
Dates: 1968-1982
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Burning Permit
Dates: 1937
Cubic Ft.: .01
Title: Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp Lease Records
Dates: 1933-1947
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Work Project Records
Dates: 1933-1942
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Complaint Investigation Records
Dates: 1933-1955
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: County Slash Status Records/Plats
Dates: 1936-1971
Volumes: 94
Title: Crew Boss Notebook
Dates: 1968
Title: Department Management Plans
Dates: 1963-1980
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Deputy State Forester's Correspondence
Dates: 1950-1982
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Deputy State Forester's Speech Transcripts
Dates: 1975-1982
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: District Annual Fire Plans
Dates: 1959-1961
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: District Annual Reports
Dates: 1914-1981
Cubic Ft.: 3
Title: District Fire Protection Survey Reports
Dates: 1967-1971
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: District Fire Reports
Dates: 1960
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: District Fire School Plans
Dates: 1948-1962
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: District Fire Summary Reports
Dates: 1970-1974
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: District Warden's Field Reports
Dates: 1933-1938
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: District Warden's Reports
Dates: 1960-1961
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Endangered Species Resource Studies
Dates: 1976-1979
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Ephemera
Dates: 1942-1964
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Exhibits
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Federal Resource Planning Act Records
Dates: 1975-1979
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Fire Protection Steering Committee Records
Dates: 1960-1962
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Fire Summary Reports
Dates: 1936-1943
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Forest Defense Council Minutes
Dates: 1942-1945
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Forest Fire Research Council Records
Dates: 1956-1961
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Forest Lands Research Advisory Committee Minutes
Dates: 1957-1961
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Forest Maps 1-4
Cubic Ft.:
Title: Forest Operation Summaries
Dates: 1937-1965
Volumes: 4
Title: Forest Operation Summaries
Dates: 1937-1963
Volumes: 17
Title: Forest Policy Project Records
Dates: 1974-1981
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Forest Practices Act Violations Slides
Dates: 1982
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Forest Products Research Advisory Committee Minutes
Dates: 1941-1962
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Forest Protection and Conservation Committee Minutes
Dates: 1953-1960
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Forest Protection Assn. Maps
Title: Forest Rehabilitation Program Records
Dates: 1949-1971
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Forest Resources Study Records
Dates: 1971-1977
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Forest Service Form 874-G
Volumes: 1
Title: Forest Type Maps, 1-4
Title: Forest Type Township Maps and Overlays
Dates: 1961-1963
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: "Forestry Program for Oregon" Project Records
Dates: 1977-1978
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Forestry Technical Reports
Dates: 1940-1984
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Geographic Information Systems Research Project Records
Dates: 1978-1981
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Governor's Timber Strategy Panel Hearing Records
Dates: 1981
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Governor's Timber Strategy Panel Hearing Records
Dates: 1981
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Growing Stock Analysis System Reports
Dates: 1972-1979
Cubic Ft.: 15
Title: Herbicide Spray Rules Hearing Records
Dates: 1978
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Insect Control Project Reports
Dates: 1949-1963
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Instructions on Forest Fire Fighting
Dates: ca. 1943
Volumes: 1
Title: Junior Forest Council Records
Dates: 1939
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Keep Oregon Green Association Records
Dates: 1941-1970
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Klamath District Warden's Correspondence
Dates: 1960-1961
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Klamath Indian Land Owner Index
Dates: ca. 1959
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Klamath Indian Land Owner Tax Payment Record Cards
Dates: 1959
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Klamath Indian Land Sale Records
Dates: 1904-1959
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Klamath Indian Reservation Termination Records
Dates: 1953-1960
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Kurth Bark Extraction Wax Process Patent Records
Dates: 1951-1959
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Land Use Planning Accomplishment Reports
Dates: 1978-1979
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Legal Case Records
Dates: 1945-1978
Cubic Ft.: 1.75
Title: Legal Case Records
Dates: 1945-1978
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Legal Correspondence
Dates: 1940, 1955-1963
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Map Rolls 1-4
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Maps Separated from 65/8
Title: Motion Picture Films
Dates: 1924-1967
Cubic Ft.: 1.5
Title: Natural Areas Preserves Advisory Committee Records
Dates: 1973-1980
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Natural Resources Committee Records
Dates: 1950-1962
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Observation Post Visibility Overlays
Dates: 1949-1963
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Oregon Conservation Act Records
Dates: 1952-1972
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Oregon Forest Conservation Act Handbook
Dates: 1949
Volumes: 1
Title: Oregon Forest Fire Laws
Dates: 1925
Volumes: 1
Title: Oreon Forest Laws
Dates: 1947
Volumes: 1
Title: Oregon Forest Laws
Dates: 1957
Volumes: 1
Title: "Oregon Forest Laws" and Amendments
Dates: 1937-1967
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Oregon Forest Laws: Chapters 477 and 527 and Administrative Rules
Dates: 1965
Volumes: 1
Title: Oregon Forest Products Laboratory Records
Dates: 1941-1957
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Oxbow Fire Case Records
Dates: 1966-1970
Cubic Ft.: 8.5
Title: Pacific Northwest Regional Commission Correspondence
Dates: 1975-1981
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Pacific Northwest Regional Commission Reports
Dates: 1974-1979
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Pebble Springs Nuclear Power Plant Site Selection Records
Dates: 1974-1977
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Pesticide Use Resource Studies
Dates: 1976-1979
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Photographs
Title: Policy/Procedures Manuals
Dates: 1942-1983
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Preliminary Fire Report
Dates: ca. 1937
Volumes: 1
Title: Protection Assn. Maps
Title: Protection Association Records
Dates: 1933-1957
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Publications
Dates: 1914-1981
Cubic Ft.: 1.1
Title: Radio Communications Correspondence
Dates: 1939-1968
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Radiophone Manual
Dates: 1939
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: "Red Hat" Emergency Employment Program Records
Dates: 1941-1942
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Reforestation Lands Classification Records
Dates: 1937-1973
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Reforestation Violation Ledger
Dates: 1942-1951
Volumes: 1
Title: Regional Forest Practices Committee Minutes
Dates: 1971-1981
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Remote Sensing Project Records
Dates: 1974-1978
Cubic Ft.: 2
Title: Roadless Area Review Project Records
Dates: 1972-1985
Cubic Ft.: 1.5
Title: Rural Fire District Survey Reports
Dates: 1963-1964
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Rural Fire Interface Committee Records
Dates: 1979-1980
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Safety Program Records
Dates: 1955-1968
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Salem Headquarters Construction
Dates: 1938-1941
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Separated Maps 1
Title: Separated Photographs
Cubic Ft.: 1.5
Title: Simulating Intensively Managed Annual Cut (SIMAC) Reports
Cubic Ft.: 4.75
Title: State Forester's Building Open House Guest book
Dates: 1939
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: State Forester's Committee Membership Records
Dates: 1934-1980
Cubic Ft.: 1.25
Title: State Forester's Correspondence
Dates: 1933-1975
Cubic Ft.: 3
Title: State Forester's Speech Transcripts
Dates: 1942-1959
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Timber Cruising Journal
Dates: 1906-1928
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Transient Relief Camp Records
Dates: 1933-1934
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Under productive Forest Lands Project Records
Dates: 1975-1977
Volumes: 3
Title: Under productive Forest Lands Project Records
Dates: 1975-1977
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: United States Forest Service Records
Dates: 1929-1983
Cubic Ft.: 1.5
Title: War Forest Fire Protection Program Records
Dates: 1941-1946
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Western Forestry Conference Records
Dates: 1960, 1968-1971
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Willamette Area Executive Staff Meeting Minutes
Dates: 1979-1984
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Willamette Area Monthly Activity Reports
Dates: 1979-1981
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Willamette Area Project Planning Records
Dates: 1969-1983
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Willamette Area Safety Awards
Dates: 1965-1972
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: World War II Forest Defense Records
Dates: 1941-1946
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Youth Rehabilitation Camp Records
Dates: 1962-1967
Cubic Ft.: .1