Oregon Secretary of State


Building Codes Division - DCBS

Building Codes Division office
The Building Codes Division office in West Salem. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection​)

Present Duties

​This division administers a statewide uniform building code. This code helps ensure a minimum level of safety in all areas of the state and a uniform regulatory environment for businesses, the general public and contractors. The division adopts building codes with the advice of seven statutory boards. It certifies inspectors, licenses trade professionals and establishes training and education requirements; provides code and rule interpretation and dispute resolution; enforces license, code and permit requirements to prevent unsafe conditions; and conducts inspections where local entities do not.​Agency Website

Agency Subdivisions

Information about this agency's divisions, offices, programs, etc.

Contact Information

Address: ​ 1535 Edgewater St. NW, Salem 97304​
Mail: PO Box 14470, Salem 97309
Phone: 503-378-4133
Contact: Alana Cox​, A​dministrator

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS Chapters 446, 447, 455, 460, 479, 480, 693

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications​​

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency (part of DCBS)

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem. 
Title: Publications
Dates: 1989
Cubic Ft.: .1