Present Duties
The commission is a consumer-driven organization with a governor-appointed citizen governing body and 67 full-time staff. Commission members represent consumer organizations, fields of education, ophthalmology/ optometry, businesses and individual citizens who are blind. The commission operates under its enabling statutes and through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.
The commission’s major program objectives include helping Oregonians who are blind get and keep jobs; providing training in alternative skills such as adaptive technology, white cane travel, braille and activities of daily living; helping individuals with vision loss who are unable to work live with high levels of independence and self- sufficiency; and licensing and supporting business owners who operate food service and vending operations in public buildings and facilities throughout the state.
Agency Website
Contact Information
Phone: 971-673-1588
Public Information Officer: Clay France
Legal & Legislative Information
Records & Publications
State Archives Holdings from This Agency
The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem.
Title: Administrative Correspondence
Dates: 1944-1956
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Blind Census
Dates: 1924
Cubic Ft.: .25
Title: Inmate Case Files
Dates: 1923-1952
Cubic Ft.: 3
Title: Inmate roster
Dates: 1929-1938
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Minutes 1937-1949
Dates: 1937-1949
Cubic Ft.: 1.25
Title: Photographs: Workshops, Trucks & Groups
Dates: 1926-1932
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: State Emergency Relief Administration Records (SERA)
Dates: 1934-1935
Cubic Ft.: .1
Title: Superintendent's Correspondence
Dates: 1919-1946
Cubic Ft.: .5
Title: Works Progress Administration Records (WPA)
Dates: 1935-1939
Cubic Ft.: .5