Oregon Secretary of State


Architect Examiners, State Board of

Present Duties

A building in downtown Salem.
This building in downtown Salem houses the State Board of Architect Examiners (Google image)
The board is a semi-independent agency responsible for the ​regulation of architecture practice in Oregon. A board of seven individuals appointed by the Governor oversees the agency: five from the field of architecture, and two public members. 

The board assures that people practicing architecture in Oregon meet qualifications and registration requirements. They determine standards for architect and architectural firm registration, which consist of a combination of education, examination and experience. The agency enforces the laws governing the practice of architecture in Oregon by investigating alleged violations and disciplining those who violate the law. The agency is headquartered in Salem and employs four staff.​
Agency Website

Contact Information

Telephone: 503-763-0662
Contact: Elizabeth Boxall, Executive Director
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for Architect Examiners​
Public Information Officer: Elizabeth Boxall

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS 671.010–671.220

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu