Oregon Secretary of State

Sherman County Addresses

​​Assessor's Office: Courthouse: 500 Court St, Moro, OR 97039; 
Basement Vault: Courthouse: No public access. Contact the appropriate office (e.g., clerk, etc.)
Circuit Court Office: Courthouse Addition: 500 Court St, Moro, OR 97039; 
Clerk's Office​ and Vault: Courthouse: 500 Court St, Moro, OR 97039; 
County Court Office: Courthouse: 500 Court St, Moro, OR 97039
County Fair Office: 66147 Lone Rock Road, Moro, OR 97039; 
Extension Service Storage Room: No public access. Contact the planning department office;  
Oregon Historical Society: 1200 SW Park Ave, Portland 97205; 
Oregon State Archives: 800 Summer St NE, Salem, OR 97310; 
Planning Department​ Office: 66365 Lone Rock Road, Moro, OR 97039; 
Sheriff's Office​: Courthouse Addition: 500 Court St, Moro, OR 97039; 
Sherman County Courthouse and Courthouse Addition (All offices and storage rooms): 500 Court St, Moro, OR 97039
Sherman County Historical Museum: PO Box 173, 200 Dewey St, Moro, OR 97039; 
Sherman Elementary ​School​​, Records Storage Room and Vault: No public access. Contact the school district administration office; 
Sherman County School: 65912 High School Loop, Moro, OR 97039.