Oregon Secretary of State

Transfer Non-Permanent Records to State Records Center

​​​​​​For agency use only. If you are a member of the public looking for state records see the Archival Records online, or email Reference.Archives@sos.​oregon.gov​ for help.

Records Transmittal Request

Use this form to request to send non-permanent boxes of records to the Records Center. After submitting this form, the Records Center will assign an Accession Number and issue a Transmittal for each group of boxes. You will receive the Accession Number and Transmittal within one week of submission.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Video Guid​e for Records Transfer

Opening screen for video shows boxes  
Learn how to prepare records for the State Records Center.
Watch now
to learn about preparing records for the state records center.

Guidelines for records storage​


Contact the Oregon State Records Center