Oregon Motor Vehicle Code Revision Records
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Representative Robert P. Marx, Co-Chair and Senator Elizabeth Browne, Co-ChairOregon Legislative Assembly, 1973-74
Interim Committee on Judiciary Records
The Interim Judiciary Committee was assigned the task of making a thorough study of Oregon's motor vehicle and traffic laws. The purpose was to promote traffic safety by dealing with alleged offenders faster and more effectively and improve driver's attitude through better laws and procedures.
The revised motor vehicle code was enacted by the 1975 Legislative Assembly.
The committee's paper records (PDF) are available below. Audio tapes are available for research in the Oregon State Archives reference room.
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Full Committee
Subcommittee on Adjudication
Subcommittee on Revision
The New York administrative adjudication system
Disputable presumptions and prima facie evidence provisions, November 1973
Ex post facto, June 1974
Reckless driving and criminal liability, June 1974
Equal protection problems in making certain inferior courts of record, June 1974
Constitutionality of administrative adjudication, December 1973
Survey of traffic offense classification and adjudication systems, April 1974
Collateral estoppel, August 1974
Summary of offense classification and adjudication procedures, November 1974
Reexamination of drivers' licenses, photos on licenses, November 1974
Comparison of engrossed SB 142, SB 286 and SB 398, November 1974
Proposed standards of national conference on criminal justice, January 1973
Committee on Judiciary membership
Enrolled HJR 11, 1973
Committee on Judiciary rules, September 1973
Summary of 1973 motor vehicle legislation
Proposed objectives
Oregon Motor Vehicle Code drafts
Article 11
Article 12
Article 13