Oregon Secretary of State

About the Oregon Historical Records Index

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​​​ ​​The Oregon Historical Records Index​ includes​ entries compiled by examining records held by the Oregon State Archives. The spelling of surnames and other information reflects the original records.

Hints for Searching the Index

Volunteers entered data as it appeared on the record. Some entries use common​ abbreviations for given names. Example: Wm for William, Chas for Charles. It's best to use a surname only search unless you have a common surname. If you get a large search result, add more information such as given name or location/county to narrow the search.

Do not use periods in your search. We discontinued their use in data entry. Including a period will only return items that include periods, not entries where no periods are used.​

Records from the following entities are included in the index. Choose a county or agency to learn more:


​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
Assessment​ ​1892-1897 ​8,489
Birth (county)​ ​1905-1920
​Deaths (county)​ ​1905-1944 ​4,170

​Old Age Pensions
Poll Tax ​1897 ​368
​Widow's Pe​nsions ​1917-1936 ​181

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Delayed Births ​1862-1920
​Divorces ​1853-1920 ​621
Estates​ ​1850-1898 ​548
Guardianships​ ​ca.1852-1898 ​246
​Marriages ​1885-1929 ​4,376
​Naturalizations ​1898-1929 ​256

​​ See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Change of Name​1878-1928​30
​​Coroner's Reports​1860-1883​13
​Deaths (county)​1915-1948​8,409
​Delayed Births​1869-1920
​1852-1922, 1936-1960​10,345
​Marriages​1848-1896, 1910-1935​4,752
​Widow's Pensions​​1913-1930​357
​Women's Property Register1859-1909​46

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ Entries​
Births (county)​ ​1905-1916
​Coroner's Reports ​1852-1960 ​2,454
​Divorces ​1856-1933 ​1,336
Estates​ ​1847-1931 ​2,438
​Guardianships ​1856-1931 ​508
​Marriages ​1841-1961 ​13,228
​Naturalizations ​1851-1971 ​11,439
​Women's Property Register ​1868-1922 ​​35

​​​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Births (county)​​1902-1920
​Coroner Reports​​1911-1958​1,183
Delayed Births​​1869-1917​441
Marriage Records​​1854-1961​6,350

​​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.


​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Assessments ​1885 ​5,885
​Coroner's Reports ​1883-1904 ​​18

​​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Coroner's Reports​
​Delayed Births​1877-1918
Widow's Pensions​1919-1920​3
​Women's Property Register​1885-1907​​10

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​World War 1 Service Histories (statewide) ​1917-1918 ​​14,608

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Delayed Births​1863-1910740

​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.​

Births (county)​​1906​6

​Delayed Births


​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Births (county)

​Deaths (county​)​1914-1915​20
Delayed Births​​1882-1914​67

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Divorces ​1872-1922 ​​399
Estates​ ​1888 ​1
​Guardianships ​1888 ​1

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Register (statewide) ​1863-1894 ​​3,117

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
Births (statewide)​ ​1916-1919
​Delayed Birth Evidences (statewide)​ ​1849-1910 ​22,080
​Delayed Birth Records (statewide) ​1842-1918
​Marriage Returns (statewide) ​1906-1910 ​​22,951

​​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Births (county)​​1917-1919
Change of Name​​1910-1928​4
​​Coroner's Reports​1908-1926​29
​Widow's Pensions​1913-1937​​169

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​​ Dates​ ​Entries
​Death Register
​1883-1936 ​​8,102

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
Births (county)​ ​1901-1910 ​918
Delayed Births​ ​1857-1915 ​2,381
​Divorces ​1856-1914 ​708
Estates​ ​1853-1925 ​2,433
​Guardianships ​1853-1926 ​614
​Naturalizations ​1859-1981 6,679
​Probates ​1908-1922 4
​See Oregon Historical Record Types​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​​ Dates​ Entries​
Birth Records (county)
​Coroner's Reports
​Death (county)
​Delayed Births
​Marriage Records ​1915-1960 ​1,165

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
​Change of Name
​1908-1909 ​3
Delayed Births
​1864-1918 ​451
​Divorce Returns (county)
Estates​ ​1848-1944 ​1,784
Guardianships​ ​1848-1944 ​482
​Naturalizations ​1854-1970 ​2,305

​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.


​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
​Assessments ​1875, 1890, 1895 ​3,464
​Census ​1875 ​326
​Electors Register ​1887 ​631
​Military List ​1900-1901 ​874
​Old Age Pensions ​1933-1935 ​​22

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Divorces ​1855-1900 ​316
​Estates ​1852-1937 ​5,413
Guardianships​ ​1853-1937 ​1,420
Partnerships ​1889-1936 38

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Marriages ​1924-1947 ​​300

​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
Births (county) ​1903-1914 ​3,504
​Coroner's Reports ​1909-1960 ​1,934
​Deaths (county) ​1915-1946 ​385
​Delayed Births ​1860-1920
​Marriages ​1850-1873 ​1,503
​Military List ​1874 ​1,223
​Naturalizations ​1850-1956 ​1,890
​Women's Property Register ​1862-1912 ​64
​Widow's Pensions ​1913-1937 ​​308

​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
Births (county) ​1907-1920
Coroner's Reports​ ​1926-1950 ​53
​Delayed Births ​1861-1910 ​125
​Divorces ​1887-1930 ​​556

​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​1865, 1895​31,362
​Widow's Pensions​1913-1916​20
​Women's Property Register​1859-1897​​107

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Enlistment and Service Records (statewide) ​1847-1929 ​21,935
​​Soldier Home Applications (statewide) ​1894-1933 ​2,069
Soldier Home Histories​ (statewide) ​1894-1933 ​1,850

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Census ​1895 ​​3,368

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
​Census (precincts, 17-46, 55-77) ​1895 ​53,003
​Change of Name ​1873-1900 ​​30
Estates​ ​1855-1900 ​2,760
​Guardianships ​1857-1900 ​903

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
​Inmate Registers (Oregon) ​1854-1932 ​​14,513

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Deaths (county) ​1903-1906 193
​Delayed Births ​1857-1910 ​1071
​Divorces ​1854-1912 ​437
​Estates ​1847-1921 1,530
Guardianships​ ​1852-1921 ​481
​Women's Property Register ​1859-1897 ​​56

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Births ​1881-1902 ​13,015
​Deaths ​1881-1917 ​​50,828

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Census (Oregon) ​1845-1859 ​14,710
​Divorces (Oregon) ​1844-1859 ​594
​Tax Rolls (Oregon) ​1846-1860 ​​52,536

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Land Claims (Oregon) ​1845-1849 ​​4,106

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
​Deaths (county) ​1916-1941 ​185
​Delayed Births ​1857-1918
​Divorces ​1933-1964 ​​129

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
Births (county)​ ​1903-1918 ​403
Change of Name ​1901-1904 ​2
​Delayed Births ​1867-1910 ​754
​Divorces ​1875-1908 ​483
Estates​ ​1859-1953 ​1,782
​Guardianships ​1878-1953 ​492
​Naturalizations ​1860-1954 ​4,051
​Widow's Pensions ​1913-1937 ​​82

​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Births (county)​​1892-1897​210
​Census​1865,1875, 1885​6,295
Change of Name​​1889-1927​11
​Coroner's Reports​1902-1916​203
Deaths (county)​​1892-1897​79
​Women's Property Register​1871-1883​​7

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
Coroner's Reports​ ​1906-1950 ​5
​Deaths (Health) ​1815-1929 ​​300

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
Change of Name​
​1895-1952 ​23
​Coroner's Reports ​1855-1964
​Delayed Births ​1859-1920
​Divorces ​1859-1916 ​771
Estates​ ​1854-1953 ​2,752
Guardianships​ ​1862-1953 ​708
​Military Lists ​1863-1865, 1872 ​1,155
​Naturalizations ​1851-1962 ​2,350
​Probates ​1855-1864 ​​3

​​​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Coroner's Reports​1869-1919​51
​Delayed Births​1857-1920
​Divorces​1850-1899, 1917-1939​1,031
​Old Age Pensions​1933-1936​420
​Women's Property Register​1881-1882​​2

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

Dates​ ​Entries
Births (county)

​Marriages (Health) ​1896-1952 ​​714

​See Oregon Historical Record Types​​ for detailed descriptions of any listing below.

​Dates ​Entries
Change of Name​ ​1895-1941 ​14
​Coroner's Reports ​1861-1940 ​274
​Divorces ​1857-1930 ​1,385
Estates​ ​1843-1942 ​3,977
Guardianships​ ​1850-1951 ​926
​Marriages ​1856-1875 ​829
​Naturalizations ​1849-1959 ​674
​Old Age Pensions ​1933-1935 ​391
​Widow's Pensions ​1920-1937 ​​86

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