Oregon Secretary of State

About Vital Records

​​​The State Archives has historic birth, death, marriage and divorce records. Birth and death records have access restrictions. Beyond the State Archives, the Oregon Historical County Records Guide inventory ​of vital records describes birth, death, marriage and divorce records held by counties and at other repositories such as local museums and historical societies.

Access Restrictions

All birth records, including indexes, have a 100-year access restriction, and death certificates have a 50-year access restriction (Oregon Health Division, OAR 333-011-096). Permission to access vital records in the Archives that are restricted must be obtained through the State Registrar.

The State Archives won't release restricted information without written authorization from the State Registrar. An asterisk (*) next to a records listing indicates an access restriction. To request access, contact the State Registrar: Oregon Center for Health Statistics, Suite 205, State Office Building, 800 N.E. Oregon St., Portland, OR 97232; 971-673-1190.

Researching Vital Records at the State Archives

Vital records at the State Archives are either in the original format or as microfilm or publicatio​ns. Microfilm and publications are available for self-service in the Reference Room.

You can view records for free at the State Archives. We also offer research services. If you supply: (1) name, (2) date of birth, death, marriage or divorce and (3) city and Oregon county, we will search the records and send you copies (se​e fees​​).


New in 2024

Vital records opened at the beginning of 2024:
  • Birth Certificates for 1923
  • Death Certificates for 1973
  • Marriage and Divorce Returns for 1973

Marriage Returns include information such as number of times married, place of birth and occupations that are not part of the information collected on Marriage Certificates.

Related Resources

Vital records listings >

Topical research guide home >

Looking for a contemporary vital record?

Any birth certificate less than 100 years old, is available only through the Oregon Health Authority.

They can also provide death certificates less than 50 years old, and marriage and divorce returns less than 50 years old.​
