Oregon Secretary of State

Tribal Relations

​​​​​​​​​​In accordance with ORS 18​2.164​, Secretary of State has developed and implemented an agency policy on relationships and cooperation with tribes. 

The agency’s approach is rooted in our core values. We work to develop and nurture strong working relationships with federally recognized tribes in Oregon, to ensure that all agency impacts to the tribes and their members are positive, and to swiftly and transparently deal with negative impacts. 


Within the agency, the tribal liaison is tasked with identifying programs that may impact tribes and/or their members and ensuring that such impacts are positive in nature. The tribal liaison reports to and advises the Secretary on such programs, recommends action when appropriate, and works to promote positive communications and relations between the agency and the tribes.  

Programs with impacts on tribes identified thus far include:  

  • Audits – performance and financial, Waste, Fraud & Abuse hotline
  • Archives – permanent collection, records retention responsibilities and expertise, connections to other organizations that retain objects or documents of interest 
  • Corporations – business registry for tribally owned or chartered entities, Office of Small Business Assistance (advocacy)
  • Elections – ability of tribal members to register to vote and participate in non-tribal elections, financial impact of ballot measures on tribes  

To further ongoing communication, the agency participates in two Legislative Commission on Indian Services cluster groups: Economic Development & Community Services and Cultural Resources.   

The agency continues to identify clusters and key tribal contacts that can provide opportunities for communication regarding elections and audits.

Reports and Resources

Annual Re​ports to LCIS

2024 SOS-LCIS Report
2023 SOS-LCIS Report
2022 SOS-LCIS Report​
2021 SOS-LCIS Report
2020 SOS-LCIS Report
2019 SOS-LCIS Report​​

Tribal Cultural Items

​​ Tribal Cultural Items Report Addendum​ -posted 7/15/20
Tribal Cultural Items report​-posted 10/15/19
Appendix A - Objects in agency possession
Appendix B - Records Retention Schedule


Ricardo Lujan Valerio​
Deputy Chief of Staff - Government Relations