Oregon Secretary of State

Business Name Search Help

​​​​Exact words in exact word order. (Only. As ​keyed)

Use this search when you know the exact spelling and order of the words in the business entity name.​

Business entity names are returned when they begin with the keyed words exactly as keyed in the order as keyed ​with the exact number as keyed.

Exact words in exact word order. (Followed by anything else)

Use this search when you know the exact spelling and order of the words at the beginning of the business entity name.

Business entity names are returned when they begin with the keyed words exactly as keyed in the order as keyed. Names with additional following words are also returned.

Exact words in any word order.

Use this search when you know the exact spelling of the words but not the order.

Business entity names are returned when they contain the words spelled exactly as keyed in any order and in combination with any other words.

Soundalike words in exact word order.

Use this search when you know the order but not the exact spelling of the words.

Business entity names are returned when they contain the words spelled exactly alike or when the words sound similar.

Soundalike words in any word order.

Use this search when you don't know the order or the exact spelling of the words.

Business entity names are returned when they contain words spelled exactly alike or when the words sound similar.

Extended search in any word order.

Use this search when you are unsure of the name.​

Business entity names are returned when they contain the words spelled exactly as keyed in any order and in combination with any other words. In addition, words that have similar meanings or similar sounds are included in the search.

Enter a Business Name or Business Registry Number to search.

Advanced Business Name Search

Business Name Search Module
