Oregon Secretary of State

UCC Terminology Definitions

​​The descriptions below aren'​t meant to be legal definitions. Please refer to the statutes cited for complete information.

Agricultural Produ​ce Lien (APL) - ORS Chapter 87.705

A farmer or rancher who delivers their crop (except grains, see below) to a purchaser has a lie​n for the contract price of that product. Normally, this lien expires 45 days after the payment is due, but the due date may be extended to 225 days by filing a notice of Agricultural Produce Lien with the Secretary of State. This extension gives the filer more time to collect.

Agricultural Services Lien (ASL) - O​RS Chapter 87.226

A person who provides labor, materials or services to help grow or harvest crops or to raise animals has a lien on those crops or animals for the payment due for those service​s. A person claiming an agricultural services lien must file a written notice of claim of lien with the Secretary of State within 75 days after providing the labor, services or materials.

County Warrants (CW) - ORS Chapter 311.605-635

Senate Bill 161​ (2015) provides that Oregon County Tax Assessors may e-file warrants against any taxpayer for unpaid business personal property tax. Contact the appropriate County Tax Assessor with questions about the warrant and to make arrangements for release of the warrant.

Effective Financing Statement (EFS) - ORS​ Chapter 80.100 - 80.130

EFS filings are part of the Central Farm Product Filing System for the State of Oregon. The purpose of filing is to alert buyers of farm products to the existence of any security interests on the crops or livestock they may be purchasing. Buyers of farm products must register as a recipient of the monthly Farm Products ​Maste​r List​​, which shows all the EFS filings. Buyers must register annually and check the Master List to receive protection under the law. This helps to protect buyers from liability for having to pay for the same crop or commodity twice.

Employment Warrants (EW) - ORS Chapter ​657.515

This is a lien held by the Oregon Employment Department on the personal property of an employer who owes the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund money.

Grain Producer’s Lien (GL) - ORS ​Chapter 87.755

Like an agricultural produce lien, a farmer who delivers or transfers grain to a buyer has a lien o​​n the inventory (and proceeds of the sales thereof) of the buyer. The lien expires after 180 days, unless the producer extends it by filing a notice with the Secretary of State, in which case the lien’s full effectiveness is for 18 months.

Hazardous Waste Lien (HAZ) - ORS Cha​pter 466.205

If a person or facility mishandles hazardous waste, the state Department of Environmental Qu​ality may place a lien to recover the costs of clean up and damages.

Federal Tax Liens (IRS) - ORS 87.80​6(3)

These are notices of federal t​ax liens on personal property for failure to pay taxes.

Public Finance (PF) - ORS Ch​apter 79.0102(1)(nnn)

A public-finance transaction is a ty​pe of secured transaction in which debt securities having a maturity of at least 20 years are issued and where at least one of the parties is a state or a governmental unit of a state.

Revenue Warrants (RW) - ORS Cha​pter 305.182

The Oregon Department of Revenue ​may file warrants issued against a taxpayer for unpaid state taxes.

Transmitting Utility (TU) - ORS ​Chapter 79.0102 (1)(aaaa)

A transmitting utility is an organization primarily engaged in the business of operating a type of railway, a telecommunications system, a pipeline (gas, oil, sewer, e​tc.), or else transmitting electricity, steam, gas or water. In other words, transmitting utility companies provide infrastructure utilities like gas, water, sewer, electric and rail transport.

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) - ORS C​hapter 79

The Uniform Commercial Code r​​​efers to two separate but related things:

  1. The uniform laws on commercial tra​nsactions developed and promoted by the Uniform Law Commission, and adopted by Oregon in the Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapters 71-79.
  2. The public notice program administered by the Oregon Secretary of State for financing statements of commercial transactions secured by personal property - ORS Ch. 79.