Oregon Secretary of State

Electronic Notarization

​​Electronic notarization is notari​zing an electronic document while it's in electronic format.

The same rules for paper notarizations apply for electronic no​tarization. The signer must be physically present, have the proper identification and the journal entry must be completed.

Understand the Process

Many technologies are ​used for electronic notarization including cloud-based, fingerprinting, digital signing pads and encryption processes.

The process is:

  1. The notary and the document signer gather around the notary’s computer.
  2. The notary screens the signer and the document, and accesses the electronic notarization application.
  3. The signer signs the document on the computer.
  4. The notary fills out the certificate and attaches it to the document through the electronic application.
  5. The notary signs and affixes the stamp (that is, information about the notarial commission) and seals the document with the application.
  6. The signer signs the notary’s journal, usually as part of the documentation, and then may download the signed and notarized document or transmit it to the appropriate party, such as a county recorder or a court clerk.​

Choose a Vendor

Once you decide that electronic notarization suits your needs, you must choose a vendor. The vendor mus​t meet National Electronic Notarization Standards (NENS).

Under OAR 160-100-0140, the notary may rely on a vendor’s declaration that the vendor’s technology meets the NENS. Keep documentation of the vendor’s declaration in case an issue arises.

It's critical to use a method that provides evidence of tampering if someone alters the signature or notarial certificate after signing.

File with Us

Complete the Electronic Notarization Notice ​including a sample of the technology you've chosen.
