Oregon Secretary of State

Don't Be Misled

​​​​​​​​​​Mailings Offer Unneeded Services

Many businesses reported a Workplace Compliance Services (W.C.S.) or C.P.S. mailing as deceptive and confusing despite disclaimers by the company. The mailing resembles the “official” annual report notice from the Oregon Secretary of State:

Workplace Compliance Services (W.C.S.)  or C.P.S. is a private Michigan company and is not authorized by or affiliated with the Oregon Secretary of State.

We will ma​il an annual report notice to each business every year approximately 50 days prior to the business anniversary date. 

The official Oregon Secretary of State Annual Report notice will always contain these elements:

  1. An image of the Ore​gon state seal,
  2. The words “Secretary of State Corporation Division”,
  3. Our phone number 503-986-2200.​

The required state fee for an Oregon corporation or limited liability company (LLC) annual report is only  $100. ​Every business can file their own annual report online easily in just a few minutes without paying extra fees online at our website: sos.oregon.gov/renew​

To see if your annual report is due to be filed with our office visit sos.oregon.gov/bizsearch​.​

Request a Refund if You Were Misled​

While the Attorneys for Workplace Compliance Services (W.C.S.) argue they offer a legitimate service, they have offered to refund any fees paid over and above the required state fee of $100 to any business who is not completely satisfied with the service or who feels they were misled by the mailing into thinking they were responding to an “official” annual report notice from the Oregon Secretary of State.

To request a ref​​und, sen​d a written requ​​est to:

Workplace Compliance Services
7718 Northport Drive
Lansing, MI 48917

or email workplacecomplianceservices@gmail.com​
If Workplace Compliance Services (W.C.S.) or C.P.S. fails to issue a refund as requested, please contact the Oregon Department of Justice Financial Fraud and Consumer Protection Section to file a complaint or call 1-877-877-9392 for assistance.

Contact us if you have any further questions at corporationdivision.sos@sos.oregon.gov.



Oregon warns small business owners of fake state fee demand.

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