Oregon Secretary of State

Update a Commission Record

​Address Change

​Notary Information Change online ​form​

Notaries are required by law to notify us within 30 days if they change their public records address. The address you provide becomes available to the public online​. The public record address can be a postal address or a street address.

This form​ can also be used to update fee waiver, email, or phone number.

Commission Resignation

Complete the termination of notary public c​ommission form if you no longer wish to be an Oregon notary.

You must retain your journal for 10 years after the last act noted in the journal.

Destroy th​e official notary stamp. It must be defaced so the stamp is illegible and unusable. To destroy the stamp, peel off the rubber strip, cut it up and throw it away.

Death or Incapacity of a Notary

Within 30 days of a notary public's commission death or incapacity, an heir or personal representative of the notary public must send the notary public's notarial records to the Secretary of State. Please complete  the term​ination of notary public commission form​.​

The notary journal must be sent to the Secretary of State for storage unless the notary public entered into a written agreement with his/her employer pursuant to OAR 160-100-360 and OAR 160-100-340​​.

The official stamp must be destroyed. To destroy the stamp, peel off the rubber, cut it up and throw it away.

Waiver of Fees

Complete the Notary Information Change online form if:

  • You don't want to charge fees for your notarial services.
  • You previously signed the Waiver of Fees and now wish to charge for your services.