Oregon Secretary of State


2025-2026 Oregon Blue Book Student Essay Contest

The contest ended October 27, 2024.

About the Contest​

Oregon is a unique and special place for many reasons. For some, it’s our scenic, natural beauty. For others, this is where they grew up so it will always be home. Every two years, the Oregon Blue Book looks at our state through data, government listings, images and stories. We’d like to hear from students about why they love Oregon.

Essay Topic

What I love about Oregon

Students can approach the essay in the way that best describes what they love about Oregon. Here are some essay prompts that might be helpful:

  • Describe what you love most about living in Oregon. Why?
  • If you had to choose one thing you love most about being in Oregon, what would it be and why?
  • If you were to write a letter telling a friend the thing you love most about Oregon, what would you say to them? How would you describe it? Why did you choose this?

​Students may submit a written or a video essay. Students who choose to submit a written essay will also provide a drawing/illustration they created to go with their essay.

Contest rules

​ The contest is open students in grades 3-8. Contest winners’ written essays essays/drawings will be included in the print 2025-2026 Oregon Blue Book. Video essay winners will be featured prominently on the digital version of the Oregon Blue Book. 

Essays should focus on a single topic explaining what the student loves about Oregon. Each essay must be identified with the student’s name and grade, teacher’s name, school’s name, and school’s address. All essays must be reviewed by the student’s teacher prior to submission. Essays not​ reviewed by the student’s teacher will not be considered. Written essays must be at least 100 words and no more than 300 words. Students must submit a drawing/illustration to accompany their essay. 

Video essays must be two minutes or less and submitted in one of the following formats: .MOV .MPEG4 or .MP4.AVI. Signed waivers (see below) for each individual whose face appears in the video must accompany the video submission. Individuals under age 18 must have the waiver signed by a parent or guardian. Winners will be announced in January 2025.

Signed Waiver

Each individual whose face appears in a video essay must have a completed ​Photo & Video Release Form.

Cover of the Oregon Blue book  for 2023-2024

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