The sun sets behind a bank of forest fire smoke at Dexter Lake near Eugene. (Oregon Scenic Images collection)
Address: Supreme Court Bldg., 1163 State St., Salem 97301
Records and Case Information: 503-986-5555; Oregon Relay 711
The Oregon Supreme Court has seven justices elected by nonpartisan statewide ballot to serve six-year terms. Justices elected to the state Supreme Court must be U.S. citizens, members of the Oregon State Bar, and residents of Oregon for at least three years. The court offices and courtroom are in the Supreme Court Building, one block east of the State Capitol. The members of the court elect one of their number to serve a six-year term as chief justice.
Powers and Authority
The Supreme Court was created by Article VII of the Oregon Constitution, as amended, which largely defines the court's role. It is primarily a court of review in that it reviews, in selected cases, the decisions of the Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court usually selects cases with significant legal issues calling for interpretation of laws or legal principles affecting many citizens and institutions of society. When the Supreme Court decides not to review a Court of Appeals case, the Court of Appeals’ decision becomes final. In addition to its discretionary review function, the Supreme Court hears direct appeals in death penalty, lawyer and judicial discipline and Oregon Tax Court cases. It may accept original jurisdiction in mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus proceedings. The court also reviews ballot measure titles, prison siting disputes, reapportionment of legislative districts and legal questions on Oregon law referred by federal courts.
Administrative Authority
The chief justice is the administrative head of the Judicial Department and exercises authority over the appellate, circuit and tax courts. The chief justice makes rules and issues orders to carry out necessary duties and requires appropriate reports from judges and other officers and employees of the courts. As head of the Judicial Department, the chief justice appoints the chief judge of the Court of Appeals and the presiding judges of all state trial courts from the judges elected to those courts. The chief justice adopts certain rules and regulations respecting procedures for state courts. The chief justice also supervises a statewide plan for budgeting, accounting and fiscal management of the judicial department.
The chief justice and the Supreme Court have the authority to appoint lawyers, elected judges and retired judges to serve in temporary judicial assignments.
Admission and Discipline of Lawyers and Judges
The Supreme Court admits lawyers to practice in Oregon and has the power to reprimand, suspend or disbar those whose actions have been investigated and prosecuted by the Oregon State Bar. In admitting lawyers, the court acts on the recommendation of the Board of Bar Examiners, which conducts examinations for lawyer applicants each February and July and screens applicants for character and fitness to practice law. The Supreme Court appoints at least 14 members to the board, including two public members who are not lawyers. The Supreme Court also has the power to censure, suspend or remove judges after investigation and recommendation by the Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability.