Oregon Secretary of State


Senior Judges

view of ponderosa pine trees from the ground looking up towards the sky
Ponderosa pine trees near Quartz Mountain Pass along Highway 140. (Oregon​ Scenic Images collection​​)
Under Oregon law, a judge who retires from the circuit court, Oregon Tax Court, Court of Appeals or Supreme Court, except a judge retired under the provisions of ORS 1.310, may be designated a senior judge of the state by the Supreme Court and is eligible for temporary assignment by the Supreme Court to any state court at or below the level in which he or she last served as a full-time judge. The current roster of senior judges is as follows:

From the Supreme Court

Richard C. Baldwin, Thomas A. Balmer, David V. Brewer, Wallace P. Carson Jr., Paul J. De Muniz, Robert D. Durham, W. Michael Gillette, Rives Kistler, Jack L. Landau, Susan M. Leeson, Virginia L. Linder, Lynn R. Nakamoto, George VanHoomissen, Martha L. Walters ​

From the Court of Appeals or Oregon Tax Court

Rex E. Armstrong, Henry Breithaupt, Carl N. Byers, Mary J. Deits, Joel S. DeVore, Walter I. Edmonds, Jr., Josephine H. Mooney, William L. Richardson, Timothy J. Sercombe

From the Circuit Courts

Donald D. Abar, Pamela Abernethy, Ted Abram, A. Michael Adler, Daniel Ahern, Marshall Amiton, G. Philip Arnold, Fred Avera, Raymond Bagley, Glen Baisinger, Lindi Baker, Richard Barron, Gregory L. Baxter, Frank L. Bearden, Mary Ann Bearden, Douglas G. Beckman, Linda Bergman, Eric J. Bergstrom, Jack A. Billings, Carol Bispham, Eric J. Bloch, Alan C. Bonebrake, Alta Brady, Thomas O. Branford, Christopher Brauer, Paula Brownhill, William D. Bunch, Frances E. Burge, Claudia M. Burton, Nancy W. Campbell, Charles D. Carlson, Cynthia Carlson, Joseph Ceniceros, Suzanne B. Chanti, Ronald E. Cinniger, Rita Cobb, John L. Collins, David Connell, Allan H. Coon, Patricia Crain, William D. Cramer, Jr., Paul Crowley, Kathleen M. Dailey, Deanne Darling, David E. Delsman, Don A. Dickey, Henry R. Dickerson, Jr., Hugh C. Downer, Jr., Greg Foote, Stephen P. Forte, Kimberly Frankel, Julie Frantz, James. L. Fun, Jr., Randolph Garrison, Timothy Gerking, Michael J. Gillespie, James Goode, Jenefer S. Grant, Dennis Graves, Ronald D. Grensky, Ted E. Grove, Joe Guimond, Lynn Hampton, David Hantke, Daniel L. Harris, Wayne R. Harris, Barbara Haslinger, Eveleen Henry, Robert D. Herndon, Jeremy B. Hodson, Lauren S. Holland, Robert J. Huckleberry, Don Hull, Thomas M. Hull, Mary M. James, Nely L. Johnson, Edward Jones, Donald Kalberer, Henry Kantor, Mitchell Karaman, John V. Kelly, Rick Knapp, Karla J. Knieps, Dale R. Koch, Thomas W. Kohl, Thomas Kolberg, Paula J. Kurshner, Jerome LaBarre, Kristena LaMar, Darryl Larson, Terry A. Leggert, David Leith, Kip Leonard, Donald Letourneau, William O. Lewis, Paul Lipscomb, Marilyn Litzenberger, Angel Lopez, Michael Loy, Jon B. Lund, William A. Marshall, Jack Mattison, Cindee S. Matyas, Jean Maurer, Steven Maurer, Robert McConville, John A. McCormick, Rick J. McCormick, Maureen McKnight, Keith Meisenheimer, Lorenzo A. Mejia, Richard Mickelson, Eve Miller, Robert Millikan, Douglas Mitchell, Thomas Moultrie, Rudy Murgo, Gayle Nachtigal, George W. Neilson, Philip L. Nelson, Michael Newman, Robert F. Nichols Jr., DeAnn Novotny, Joseph V. Ochoa, Loyd O’Neal, Rebecca Orf, Roxanne Osborne, Ronald J. Pahl, Cheryl A. Pellegrini, Dale W. Penn, J. Burdette Pratt, Steven Price, William G. Purdy, Thomas J. Rastetter, Keith R. Raines, Richard Rambo, Karsten Rasmussen, Robert Redding, Steven B. Reed, Charles Reeves, Garry L. Reynolds, Jamese Rhoades, Beth Roberts, Leslie M. Roberts, Rick W. Roll, Ilisa Rooke-Ley, Thomas M. Ryan, Mark S. Schiveley, Joan G. Seitz, Robert Selander, Gregory F. Silver, Lane W. Simpson, Berkeley Smith, Bernard L. Smith, Janet L. Stauffer, Ronald W. Stone, Diana Stuart, Michael C. Sullivan, Patricia A. Sullivan, Susan M. Svetkey, Katherine Tennyson, Ronald D. Thom, Gary S. Thompson, Kirsten E. Thompson, Stephen Tiktin, Susan M. Tripp, Suzanne Upton, Eric Valentine, Douglas V. Van Dyk, Pierre Van Rysselberghe, Lyle Velure, Kathryn Villa-Smith, Kenneth R. Walker, Jeffrey M. Wallace, Warner Washley, Elizabeth Welch, C. Gregory West, Russell West, Raymond B. White, Gary Williams, Locke A. Williams, Janice R. Wilson, John Wilson, John A. Wittmayer, Cameron F. Wogan, Pat Wolke, Merri Souther Wyatt, Jan Wyers, Frank J. Yraguen​

From the District Courts*

Charles H. Reeves
*Effective January 15, 1998, all district courts were abolished, and the powers, functions and judges of the district courts were transferred to the circuit courts.​