Secretary of State Tobias Read
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Secretary of State Tobias Read
Tobias Read is Oregon’s 30th secretary of state. Born in Montana and raised in Idaho, he moved to Salem, Oregon to attend Willamette University before earning his Master of Business Administration degree at the University of Washington. He brings a wide range of public-sector and private-sector experience to the office. He worked at the U.S. Treasury and Nike, Inc. prior to his election as state representative in 2007 and state treasurer in 2017.
As an elected official, Tobias has turned strong ideas and policies into real results that benefit Oregonians. He helped lead the charge to fund full-day kindergarten across Oregon, created and later implemented the Oregon Retirement Savings Program—now known as OregonSaves—which serves more than 130,000 Oregonians, and protected the Elliott State Forest by making it one of the largest research forests and carbon reserves in North America.
As Secretary of State, Tobias' first priority is to hold the State of Oregon accountable for delivering on its promises, managing tax dollars wisely, and running secure, fair elections.
Tobias lives in Beaverton with his wife Heidi and their two children, and their dog Chata.
Secretary of State's Duties
The secretary of state is one of three constitutional officers of the executive branch elected statewide. The secretary is elected to a four-year term and is limited to two consecutive terms in office during any 12-year period.
The secretary of state is one of three constitutional offices established at statehood and is the auditor of public accounts, chief elections officer, public records administrator and custodian of the State Seal. As an independent constitutional officer, the secretary of state answers directly and solely to the people of Oregon.
The secretary interprets and applies state election laws, compiles and publishes the Voters’ Pamphlet and supervises all elections, local and statewide.
He examines and audits accounts of all publicly funded boards, commissions and agencies.
He keeps public records of businesses authorized to transact business in Oregon, nonprofit corporations and trade and service marks. Other public business records include notices of security interests in movable and personal property, statutory liens and warrants.
As the public records administrator, the secretary houses and provides access to the permanently valuable records of state government through the Archives Division and manages all public records for retention and disposition.
The secretary shares responsibility with the governor and treasurer for supervising and managing state-owned lands and chairs the Oregon Sustainability Board which works to optimize organizations’ financial, environmental and social performance. He also regulates Oregon notaries public and publishes the Oregon Blue Book.
Oregon does not have a lieutenant governor. If the office of governor becomes vacant, the office passes to the secretary of state.
Legal Authority: Oregon Constitution, Article VI, Section 2; ORS Chapters 177, 240