Oregon Secretary of State


Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum


photo of Ellen Rosenblum
Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum
Attorney General Rosenblum began her legal career as a small firm lawyer in Eugene and later served as a federal prosecutor and state trial and appellate court judge. She is the first woman to serve as Oregon attorney general.

Her priorities as attorney general include consumer protection and civil rights—advocating for and protecting Oregon’s children and families, students, seniors, immigrants and refugees, crime victims and survivors. As attorney general, she has established a criminal elder abuse unit and a statewide hate crimes and bias incident response program. She has successfully led statewide task forces on police profiling, hate crimes, public records and consumer privacy. She is committed to supporting law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting complex crimes and to holding corporations accountable when they violate the law.

Attorney General Rosenblum attended the University of Oregon, where she received both her undergraduate degree in sociology and her J.D. (law degree). Rosenblum is currently the vice president of the National Association of Attorneys General. She has previously served as chair of the Conference of Western Attorneys General, and co-chair of the Democratic Attorneys General Association. She has also served as secretary of the American Bar Association (ABA) and as chair of the ABA Section of State and Local Government Law.

Attorney General's Duties

Justice Building, 1162 Court St. NE, Salem 97301-4096; 503-378-4402
Ellen F. Rosenblum, Portland; Democrat; appointed June 2012; elected November 2012; reelected 2016; reelected 2020; term expires January 2025. 
The term of office for attorney general is four years.
The Legislature created the Office of Attorney General in 1891. The Department of Justice was later established by the Legislature in 1947 and is the equivalent of the state’s law firm. The attorney general is the chief law officer of the state and heads the Department of Justice. The agency has a staff of approximately 1,300 with 10 legal and 13 child support offices throughout the state.

The attorney general appears in and represents the state in all court actions and legal proceedings in which the state of Oregon is a party or has an interest. This includes proceedings involving elected and appointed state officials, state agencies, boards and commissions. She appoints assistant attorneys general to act as counsel for state agencies, boards and commissions.

When requested by the governor, any state agency official, or any member of the Legislature, the attorney general gives legal opinions upon any question of law in which the state or any public subdivision may have an interest. Unless expressly authorized by law, the attorney general and her assistant attorneys general may not render opinions or give legal advice to any other persons or agencies.

The attorney general writes ballot titles for measures to be voted upon by the people of Oregon and defends them in the Oregon Supreme Court. 
The department advocates for and protects all Oregonians, especially the most vulnerable, such as children and seniors. More than 350 state laws confer numerous responsibilities and authorities to the attorney general. Those responsibilities include supervision of charities, enforcement of antitrust laws, assistance to the state’s district attorneys, administration of the state’s Crime Victims’ Compensation Program, investigations of organized crime and public corruption, and the establishment and enforcement of child support obligations for Oregon families.​