Oregon Secretary of State


Department of Human Services: Agency Subdivisions

Governor's Advocacy Office​

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E17, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-945-6904
Fax: 503-378-6532

The office handles client complaints related to ODHS services. It operates independently in investigations and reports directly to the governor by providing a quarterly report on the status of the complaints. Office staff works closely with field and central office staff, program staff, the Office of the Governor, key stakeholders and the ODHS Director’s Office.

Aging and People with Disabilities Division

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E02, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-945-5600
Fax: 503-373-7823
Contact: Mike McCormick, Director

The Office of Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) provides services to older adults and people with disabilities.  This includes opportunities for community living, employment, family support and long-term services. 

APD serves about 3,500 older adults who seek to remain in their homes through Oregon Project Independence; more than  35,000 older adults and people with disabilities per month who receive long-term care services paid through Medicaid; about 212,000 people seeking Older Americans Act services; about 180,000 people in need of direct financial support services; and more than 43,000 individuals who receive a Social Security Disability determination. In addition,  more than 44,000 people live in APD-licensed long-term care facilities. Additionally, individuals in Oregon make about 50,000 calls seeking to report abuse, neglect or request information and referral services from Adult Protective Services. 

APD program units include the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) of Oregon, a collaborative public-private partnership that streamlines consumer access to the aging and disability service delivery system. The ADRC is free and provides information and assistance that  helps people make informed decisions about their care.

Employees from both APD local offices and Area Agencies on Aging throughout Oregon provide direct consumer services and determine eligibility of older adults and people with disabilities for services including Medicaid long-term care. 

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Program

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E02, Salem 97301

Governor’s Commission on Senior Services

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E02, Salem 97301
Phone: 1-800-282-8096
Contact: Adam Hansen
Statutory Authority: ORS 410.320-410.340

Child Welfare Programs

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E48, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-945-5600
Fax: 503-503-373-7032
Contact: Rebecca Jones-Gaston, Director

The Child Welfare Division is part of a larger statewide social safety net system that works to support families and communities. This may include providing economic support, enhancing parenting skills, helping people with their housing needs and employment goals, providing health and behavioral services, helping treat alcohol and substance use disorders and ensuring child safety and family well-being.

The division helps families access resources within their natural support networks and the service provider community. 

Child Welfare Advisory Committee

Statutory Authority: ORS 418.005

The committee counsels the agency on the development and administration of the policies, programs and practices.

Developmental Disabilities Program

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E09, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-945-5811; Toll-free:1-800-282-8096;
TTY: 800-282-8096
Contact: Dana Hittle, Interim Director​

The Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS) supports persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to live as full participants in their communities.

Individuals eligible for services must have an intellectual disability (IQ of 75 or below) that originates prior to age 18 or a developmental disability that originates prior to age 22. These disabilities must significantly impact a person’s ability to function independently. Some persons with I/DD may also have significant medical or behavioral health needs. Most individuals with I/DD meet Medicaid financial eligibility requirements. 

Most I/DD program services are administered under the Medicaid State Plan Community First Choice Option. Case management and employment services are available through traditional, home- and community-based service waivers.

Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities

Address: 2475 SE Ladd Ave., Portland 97214
Phone: 971-304-4191
Contact: Leslie Sutton, Executive Director
Statutory Authority: 42 USC 15001

The council’s mission is to advance social and policy change so people with developmental disabilities, their families and communities may live, work, play and learn together.

The council is made up of self-advocates, family members and representatives of community organizations that provide services and supports to people with developmental disabilities. Council members also include representatives of state agencies that receive federal funding on behalf of people with developmental disabilities. The governor appoints council members to serve up to two consecutive, four-year terms.

The council ensures people with developmental disabilities and family members are included in legislative and policy discussions about issues that impact their lives. Council members work together to determine goals and objectives in the five-year state plan, allocate funds to state plan activities and annually review the council’s progress. The council is supported by full-time staff who are charged with implementing the state plan.

Self-Sufficiency Programs

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E48, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-945-5600
Fax: 503-373-7032
Contact: Claire Seguin,​ Director

Self-Sufficiency Programs (SSP) provide benefits and services to individuals and families experiencing low or no income. SSP benefits and services are intended to help people find stability and end multi-generational poverty.

The benefits offered through SSP are Employment Related Day Care; Oregon Health Plan; Refugee Program; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); SNAP related programs, such as the Employment and Training Program and Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents Program; Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors (TA-DVS); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); TANF-related programs, such as the Job Opportunity and Basic Skills Program and Family Support and Connections; and Youth Services.

Family Services Review Commission

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E48, Salem 97301
Contact: Jana McLellan, Self-Sufficiency Programs Interim Director
Statutory Authority: ORS 411.075

Vocational Rehabilitation
Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E87, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-945-5880 or 877-277-5880
Contact: Keith Ozols, Director
Statutory Authority: ORS 344.510–344.630
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) helps individuals with disabilities get and keep a job that matches their skills, interests and abilities. VR staff work in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities and provide individualized services to each eligible person for their employment success.

VR’s Youth Services programs support youth and young adults with disabilities as they transition to the workplace or postsecondary education. VR also serves businesses by providing recruitment support, inclusion guidance and disability awareness training.

Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E87, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-945-6621
Contact: Brooke Wilson, Executive Director
Statutory Authority: Exec. Order 94-12

The Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is the Governor-appointed coordinating body for Oregon's Independent Living Services. Independent Living Services​ are designed to help individuals who experience disabilities achieve personal goals for independence and participation in their families and communities. The majority of council members must be people with disabilities.

The council’s mission is to promote choice, equal access and full inclusion for people with disabilities throughout Oregon.

Oregon State Rehabilitation Council

Address: 500 Summer St. NE, E87, Salem 97301
Phone: 971-707-8853 or 877-277-0513
Contact: Kaire Downin, SRC Coordinator
Statutory Authority: ORS 344.735

The Oregon State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is a Governor-appointed group of consumers, advocates, and business and community representatives who advise Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) in providing services for Oregonians with disabilities. Its mission is to ensure VR is consumer-driven and that available programs, services and resources result in competitive, integrated employment.​
