Oregon Housing Stability Council
Address: 725 Summer St. NE, Suite B, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-986-2005
Contact: Cheyloa Chase, Executive Assistant to the Executive Director
Statutory Authority: ORS
The nine-member council is the governing body for OHCS. The council approves affordable housing projects, sets direction on statewide housing policy and serves as an advisory body to the agency. The council also serves as a public body for engagement with stakeholders, housing advocates and the public on affordable housing issues and policy decisions.
Affordable Rental Housing Division
Address: 725 Summer St. NE, Suite B, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-986-2000
Contact: Natasha Detweiler-Daby, Director
The division administers federally and state-funded, affordable rental housing resources to increase the availability of safe, decent and affordable housing for Oregonians with low incomes. This includes the development of new affordable rental units and the acquisition, rehabilitation and preservation of existing affordable rental units; provision of project-based rent assistance and services to state-funded permanent supportive housing investments; long-term maintenance of affordable rental housing through asset management and compliance; and administration of the HUD portfolio of project-based rent-assisted projects.
Homeownership Division
Address: 725 Summer St. NE, Suite B, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-986-2000
Contact: Keeble Giscombe, Director
The Homeownership Division administers federal and state programs to assist low-to moderate-income Oregonians with homeownership. Across its four sections, the division provides homebuyer and homeowner financial education, down payment assistance, funding for health and safety repairs, mediation for manufactured and marina community members and foreclosure prevention through counseling and mortgage assistance. Additionally, they facilitate the financing and development of homes for homeownership.
Housing Stabilization Division
Address: 725 Summer St. NE, Suite B, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-986-2000
Contact: Liz Weber, Interim Director
Housing Stabilization Division funds community partners across the state for shelters, navigation centers, rental assistance, energy bill payment and weatherization assistance. The division also funds anti-poverty programs such as Individual Development Accounts to provide stability and opportunity through wealth-building.
Disaster Recovery and Resilience Division
Address: 725 Summer St. NE, Suite B, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-986-2000
Contact: Ryan Flynn, Director
Statutory Authority: HB 5006 (2021 session), Sections 278 & 279
The division manages state and federal funds to support fire recovery for low-and moderate-income households and communities. Division activities include assistance with intermediate housing (provided through contracts with local agencies, such as community action agencies), support for permanent affordable housing development (both rental and homeownership) and grants for individuals to complete their housing recovery through rebuilding or replacement of lost homes.
Public Affairs Division
Address: 725 Summer St. NE, Suite B, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-986-2000
Contact: Amy Nehl, Director
Statutory Authority: ORS
The division includes Federal Planning, Community Outreach, Government Relations and Communications. Public Affairs is the primary division that engages with the public, stakeholders, elected officials and the media.