Administration Division
Phone: 503-378-3473
Contact: Mariana Ruiz-Temple, State Fire Marshal
The Administration Division administers grants to increase firefighters, apparatus and money to local communities and organizations to ensure wildfire resiliency.
Education Division
Phone: 503-979-3329
Contact: Amber Cross, Assistant Chief Deputy
The Fire and Life Safety Education Division has robust community education campaigns and an Analytics and Intelligence Unit to provide Oregon-specific stats to create data-driven programs.
Emergency Response Division
Phone: 503-934-8293
Contact: Mariah Rawlins,
Assistant Chief Deputy
The Emergency Response Services Division oversees three all- hazards incident management teams to respond to fires and other incidents. To be prepared for hazardous materials incidents, there are 12 Regional Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Teams ready to respond and a hazmat by rail program. The department oversees local emergency planning committees and the State Emergency Response Commission.
Fire & Life Safety Division
Phone: 503-934-8252
Contact: Assistant Chief Deputy Chad Hawkins
The Fire and Life Safety Services Division is the largest division and focuses on fire prevention and education through developing and enforcing the Oregon Fire Code. Staff conduct many fire and life safety investigations. The division also has a defensible space program to make properties more resilient to wildfire.
Regulatory Division
Phone: 971-301-0793
Contact: Assistant Chief Deputy Mark Johnston
The Regulatory Services Division oversees many regulatory programs including liquefied petroleum gas, cardlock, fireworks permits, and Community Right to Know: a program that informs people about hazardous substances near them.