Oregon Secretary of State


Financial Regulation Division - DCBS

Labor and Industries Building
The Labor and Industries Building in Salem houses the central offices of the Division of Finance and Corporate Securities. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection​)

Present Duties

The division regulates banks and credit unions, check cashing, debt management services, financial and investment advisors, insurance industry, mortgage industry, money transmitters, pawnshops, payday and title lenders, securities and drug price transparency. They investigate consumer complaints; analyze and monitor financial and insurance institution finances; review all insurance policies before they are sold in Oregon; licenses companies and professionals; and register securities and other investments.​
Agency Website

Contact Information

Address: ​​ 350 Winter St. NE, Salem 97301​
Mail: PO Box 14480, Salem 97309
Phone: 503-378-4140
Contact: T.K. Keen, Administrator​
Administrative Rules Coordinator: See Contact List for DCBS, Chapters 441 and 836​

Legal & Legislative Information

Statutory Authority: ORS Chapters 59, 86A, 97, 446, 465, 646A, 697, 705717, 723, 725, 725A, 726, 731-735, 737, 742, 743, 743A, 744, 746, 748, 750, 752

Budget Analysis - by Legislative Fiscal Office
Audit Reports - select agency from menu

Records & Publications​

Records Retention Schedule - a list of the public records kept at the agency (part of DCBS)

State Archives Holdings from This Agency

The following are selected abbreviated listings from the holdings of the Oregon State Archives. Additional records may be available. These records may be viewed free of charge at the State Archives Building in Salem. 
Title: Battleship Oregon Records
Dates: 1935, 1953 - 1961
Cubic Ft.: .35
Title: Capital Construction Records
Dates: 1956 - 1969
Cubic Ft.: 6.5
Title: Director's Correspondence
Dates: 1937 - 1963
Cubic Ft.: 17.75
Title: Management Files
Dates: 1936 - 1967
Cubic Ft.: 32.5
Title: Management Study Records
Dates: 1955 - 1969
Cubic Ft.: 10.5
Title: Reports and Studies
Dates: 1937- 1961
Cubic Ft.: .75
Title: Reports to the Governor
Dates: 1954 - 1956
Cubic Ft.: 4.5