Present Duties
Voting is central to democracy. The division oversees state elections and coordinates with Oregon’s 36 county elections officials to ensure voting reflects the will of the people. It’s also in charge of the initiative, referendum and referral process.
By interpreting and applying election laws, the division helps uphold the democratic process. By logging data on past elections, it serves as chronicler and statistician.
The Secretary of State prioritizes modernizing the election process and streamlining voter registration. The Elections Division has led the way with vote by mail and moving registration online. It is also a leader in bringing transparency to campaign funding through the development of the ORESTAR online application, which provides transparency for all money raised and spent during political campaigns.
Agency Website
Contact Information
Phone: 503-986-1518
Fax: 503-373-7414
Contact: Dena Dawson, Director
Legal & Legislative Information
Statutory Authority: ORS Chapters