The Sprague River east of Chiloquin. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection)
Address: PO Box 436, 501 Chiloquin Blvd., Chiloquin 97624
Phone: 541-783-2219, 800-524-9787
Restoration Date: August 27, 1986
Number of Members: 5,864
Land Base Acreage: no reservation land
Number of people employed by the Tribes: Over 350
Kla-Mo-Ya Casino, Crater Lake truck stop, travel center and hotel, wellness center
Points of Interest
Kla-Mo-Ya Casino, Crater Lake National Park, Lava Beds National Monument and Tulelake History Museum. Named by Sunset Magazine as one of the nation’s five best birding hotspots, the Klamath Basin in the Pacific Flyway is a migratory flyway for more than 350 species of birds.
History and Culture

Traditionally, every March, the c’waam (Lost River Suckerfish) swims up the Sprague River to spawn. A certain snowfall at this time of year heralds the c’waam’s return, and the evening sky reveals the fish constellation (three stars in line making “Orion's Belt”) on the southwestern horizon. Klamath traditions state that watchmen, or swaso.llalalYampgis, monitored the riverbanks to see exactly when the fish would return. The head “Kiiux” (shaman) would then give thanks for their return. Tribal elders continue this ceremony to ensure the survival of a species, tribal traditions, and mankind. The celebration includes traditional dancing, drumming, feasting and releasing of a pair of c’waam into the river. Other annual events include the Restoration Celebration held the fourth weekend in August and the New Year’s Eve Sobriety Powwow.
The Klamath Tribes, the Klamath, Modoc and Yahooskin Paiute people, have lived in the Klamath Basin from time beyond memory. Legends and oral history tell about when the world and the animals were created, when the animals and gmok’am’c, the Creator, sat together and discussed the creation of man. According to tribal sayings, if stability defines success, their presence here has been, and always will be, essential to the economic well-being of their homeland.
Tribal Court
Tribal Judge Patricia Davis Gibson 118 W. Chocktoot St., PO Box 1260, Chiloquin 97624; 541-783-3020
Tribal Council
Chairman William E. Ray Jr, Vice-Chairwoman Gail Hatcher, Secretary Roberta Frost, Treasurer Brandi Hatcher; At large: Leslie Anderson, Natalie Ball, Perry Chocktoot, Ellsworth Lang, Jeannie McNair, and Rosemary Treetop