Oregon Secretary of State


Regional Governments

Sculpture of a sea lion brightly painted with waves and an octopus on the body.
Public art by Ellen Huntingdon near the Siuslaw River Bridge in Florence. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Image​)
Formed in 1984 under ORS Chapter 190, the Oregon Regional Councils Association (ORCA) promotes cooperation among levels of government.

The multi-jurisdictional councils are voluntary associa­tions cooperating on issues and problems which cross city, county, and in some cases, state boundaries. The association provides a forum for exchanging and discussing common issues.

Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council

Contact: Tammy Baney, Executive Director
Address: 334 NE Hawthorne Ave., Bend 97701
Phone: 541-504-3306
Fax: 541-923-3416

Lane Council of Governments

Contact: Brenda Wilson, Executive Director
Address: 859 Willamette St., Suite 500, Eugene 97401
Phone: 541-682-4283
Fax: 541-682-4099

Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments

Contact: Renata Wakeley, Executive Director
Address: 100 High St. SE, Suite 200, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-588-6177

Northwest Senior and Disability Services 

Contact: Melinda Compton, Program Director;
Tayna DeHart Operations Director 
Address: 3410 Cherry Ave. NE, Salem 97303
Phone: 503-304-3400; Toll-free: 1-800-206-4799
Fax: 503-304-3434

Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments

Contact: Ryan Vogt, Executive Director
Address: 1400 Queen Ave. SE, Suite 201, Albany 97322
Phone: 541-924-8465
Fax: 541-967-6123
Web: ocwcog.org 

Rogue Valley Council of Governments

​Contact: Ann Marie Alfrey, Executive Director
Address: 155 N First St., PO Box 3275, 
Central Point 97502
Phone: 541-423-1334
Fax: 541-664-7927
Web: rvcog.org