A fountain at a park in Independence. (Oregon State Archives Scenic Images collection)
County Seat: Courthouse, 850 Main St., Dallas 97338
Phone: 503-623-8173 (General); 503-623-3154 (Court Administrator)
Established: Dec. 22, 1845
Elev. at Dallas: 325'
Area: 745 sq. mi.
Average Temp.: January 39.1° July 65.6°
Assessed Value: $7,732,422,105
Real Market Value: $14,867,072,306
(includes the value of non-taxed properties)
Annual Precipitation: 51.66"
Economy: Agriculture, forest products, manufacturing, electronics and education
Related Resources
Incorporated Cities
Points of Interest
Western Oregon University, covered bridges, historic courthouse, Brunk House, Baskett Slough Wildlife Refuge, mountain scenery, wineries, National Historic Trail, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Headquarters, Spirit Mountain Casino
History and General Information
Polk County was created from the original Yamhill district by the Provisional Legislature in 1845. It was named for then-President James K. Polk. The first county seat was at Cynthia Ann. City officials later changed its name to Dallas, after Vice President George M. Dallas, and moved the community about a mile to improve its water supply.
Traveling the county's back roads will reveal many attractions, from covered bridges and pleasant parks to vineyards, wineries, and bed-and-breakfast lodgings spotting the surrounding hills. Many roads meander through beautiful fertile valleys from the Willamette River to the timbered foothills of the Coast Range. The cities of Dallas, Independence, Monmouth, Falls City, and portions of Salem and Willamina are within the county’s borders.
County Officials
Commissioners: Chair Craig Pope (2027); Jeremy Gordon (2027), Lyle R. Mordhorst (2029); Dist. Atty. Aaron Felton (2029); Assess. Valerie Patoine (2029); Clerk Kristi Weis (2029); Sheriff Joshua Brown (2029); Surv. Eric Berry; Treas. Steve Milligan (2029)