Oregon Secretary of State


Oregon History: Bibliography - Books

Aikens, C. Melvin. Archaeology of Oregon. Oregon State Office, U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Portland, OR., 1986.
Allen, Barbara. Homesteading the High Desert. Utah State University, Logan, UT., 1987.
Armstrong, Chester H. History of the Oregon State Parks, 1917-1963. Oregon State Highway Department, Salem, OR., 1965.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Oregon, 1834-1848. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Vol. 29. The History Company, San Francisco, CA., 1886.
-----. History of Oregon, 1848-1888. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Vol. 30. The History Company, San Francisco, CA., 1888.
Barlow, Jeffrey and Christine Richardson. China Doctor of John Day. Binford and Mort, Portland, OR., 1979.
-----. Gum San: Land of the Gold Mountain. The High Desert Museum, Bend, OR., 1991.
Beckham, Stephen Dow. Bandon By-The-Sea: Hope and Perseverance in an Oregon Coastal Town. Arago Books, Coos Bay, OR., 1998.
-----. Stars in the Dark: Coal Mines of Southwestern Oregon. Arago Books, Coos Bay, OR., 1995.
Beckham, Stephen Dow. The Indians of Western Oregon: This Land Was Theirs. Arago Books, Coos Bay, OR., 1977.
-----. Land of the Umpqua: A History of Douglas County, Oregon. Douglas County Commissioners, Roseburg, OR., 1986.
-----. O&C Sustained Yield Act: the Land, the Law, the Legacy. U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Portland, OR., 1987.
-----Requiem for a People: The Rogue Indians and the Frontiersmen. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1971.
-----. The Simpsons of Shore Acres. Arago Books, Coos Bay, OR., 1971.
-----. Taylor Grazing Act in Oregon, 1934-1984. U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Portland, OR., 1984.
Bergoffen, William W. 100 Years of Federal Forestry. U. S. Department of Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 402, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1976.
Bingham, Edwin R. Pacific Northwest Writing: Reaching for Regional Identity. Regionalism and the Pacific Northwest. William G. Robbins, Robert Frank, and Richard Ross, eds. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR., 1993.
Booth, Brian, ed. Wildmen, Wobblies, and Whistle Punks: Stewart Holbrook's Lowbrow Northwest. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Or., 1992.
Bourke, Paul and Donald DeBats. Washington County: Politics and Community in Antebellum America. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD., 1995.
Bowen, William A. The Willamette Valley: Migration and Settlement on the Oregon Frontier. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1978.
Brimlow, George Francis. Harney County, Oregon, and Its Range Land. Binfords & Mort, Publishers, Portland, OR., 1951.
Brown, J. Henry. Brown's Political History of Oregon: Provisional Government. Lewis & Dryden Printing Co., Portland, OR., 1892.
Buan, Carolyn M. and Richard Lewis, eds. The First Oregonians: An Illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal- Indian Relations, and the State's Native People Today. Oregon Council for the Humanities, Portland, OR., 1991.
Clark, Keith and Lowell Tiller. Terrible Trail: The Meek Cutoff, 1845. The Caxton Printers, Ltd., Caldwell, ID., 1967.
Clark, Malcolm, Jr. Eden Seekers: The Settlement of Oregon, 1818-1863. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA., 1981.
Clark, Robert. River of the West: Stories From the Columbia. Harper Collins West, New York, NY., 1995.
Cook, Warren. Flood Tide of Empire: Spain and the Pacific Northwest, 1543-1810. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT., 1973.
Cox, Thomas R. Mills and Markets: A History of the Pacific Coast Lumber Industry to 1900. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1974.
Cutright, Paul Russell. Lewis & Clark: Pioneering Naturalists. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE., 1989.
Deady, Matthew P. Pharisee Among Philistines: The Diary of Judge Matthew P. Deady, 1871-92. 2 vols. Malcolm Clark, Jr., ed. Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR., 1975.
Dicken, Samuel N. and Emily F. Dicken. The Making of Oregon: A Study in Historical Geography. Oregon Historical Society Press, Portland, OR., 1979.
Dietrich, William. Northwest Passage: The Great Columbia River. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY., 1995.
Disque, Brice P. History of Spruce Production Division, United States Army. United States Spruce Production Corporation, n.p., ca. 1919.
Dodds, Gordon B. Oregon: A Bicentennial History. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, NY., 1977.
-----. The American Northwest: A History of Oregon and Washington. The Forum Press, Inc., Arlington Heights, IL., 1986.
-----. The Salmon King of Oregon: R. D. Hume and the Pacific Fisheries. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC., 1959.
-----. Varieties of Hope: An Anthology of Oregon Prose. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR., 1993.
Dodds, Gordon B. and Craig E. Wollner. The Silicon Forest: High Tech in the Portland Area, 1945-1986. Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR., 1990.
Donaldson, Ivan J. and Frederick K. Cramer. Fishwheels of the Columbia. Binfords & Mort, Publishers, Portland, OR., 1971.
Douthit, Nathan. The Coos Bay Region, 1890-1944: Life on a Coastal Frontier. River West Books, Coos Bay, OR., 1981.
Egan, Timothy. The Good Rain: Across Time and Terrain in the Pacific Northwest. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY., 1990.
Edson, Christopher J. Chinese in Eastern Oregon, 1860-1890. R. and E Research Association, San Francisco, CA., 1974.
Foster, Mark S. Henry J. Kaiser: Builder in the Modern American West. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, 1989.
Frazer, Robert W., ed. Forts of the West: Military Forts and Presidios and Posts Commonly Called Forts West of the Mississippi River to 1898. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1965.
-----. Mansfield on the Condition of the Western Forts, 1853-54. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1963.
Fremont, John Charles. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-'44 . . . . Gales and Seaton, Printers, Washington, DC., 1845.
Gamboa, Erasmo. Mexican Labor and World War II: Braceros in the Pacific Northwest, 1942-1947. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX., 1990.
Gibson, James R. Farming the Frontier: The Agricultural Opening of the Oregon Country, 1786-1846. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1985.
Goetzmann, William H. Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY., 1966.
Gough, Barry M. The Northwest Coast: British Navigation, Trade, and Discovery to 1812. University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, BC., 1992.
Greenhow, Robert. Memoir, Historical and Political, on the Northwest Coast of North America . . . . Blair and Rives, Washington, DC., 1840.
Greever, William S. The Bonanza West: The Story of Western Mining Rushes, 1848-1900. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1963.
Gronowski, Nancy H. and Jeanette Kloos. A Study of the Historic Columbia River Highway. Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, OR., 1987.
Harden, Blaine. A River Lost: The Life and Death of the Columbia. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, NY., 1996.
Hussey, John A. Champoeg: Place of Transition. Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR., 1967.
Hyman, Harold. Soldiers and Spruce: Origins of the Loyal Legion of Loggers & Lumbermen. Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Los Angeles, CA., 1963.
Irving, Washington. Astoria; or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains. 2 vols. Carey, Lea & Blanchard, Philadelphia, 1836.
Jackson, Royal and Jennifer Lee. Harney County: An Historical Inventory. Harney County Planning Commission and Harney County Historical Society, Burns, OR., 1978.
Jeffrey, Julie Roy. Converting the West: A Biography of Narcissa Whitman. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1991.
Johansen, Dorothy O. and Charles Gates. Empire of the Columbia: A History of the Pacific Northwest. Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, NY., 1967.
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. The Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT., 1965.
Kittredge, William. Owning It All. Graywolf Press, St. Paul, MN., 1987.
Lowenberg, Robert J. Equality on the Oregon Frontier: Jason Lee and the Oregon Mission, 1834-1843. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1975.
Lowenstein, Steven. The Jews of Oregon, 1850-1950. Jewish Historical Society of Oregon, Portland, OR., 1987.
Loy, William G., Stuart Allen, and Clyde Patton. Atlas of Oregon. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR., 1976.
McArthur, Lewis A. Oregon Geographic Names. 6th ed. Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR., 1992.
MacColl, E. Kimbark. The Growth of a City: Power and Politics in Portland, Oregon 1915 to 1950. The Georgian Press Company, Portland, OR., 1979.
-----. The Shaping of a City: Business and Politics in Portland, Oregon 1885-1915. The Georgian Press Company, Portland, OR., 1976.
MacColl, E. Kimbark and Harry H. Stein. Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913. The Georgian Press, Portland, OR., 1988.
McKelvey, Susan Delano. Botanical Exploration of the Trans-Mississippi West, 1790-1850. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR., 1991.
Meinig, Donald W. The Great Columbia Plain: A Historical Geography, 1805-1910. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1968.
Merriam, Lawrence C., Jr. and David G. Talbot. Oregon's Highway Park System 1921-1989: An Administrative History. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Salem, OR., 1992.
Moulton, Gary E., ed. The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Vols. 5-7, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE., 1988-91.
Moynihan, Ruth Barnes. Rebel for Rights: Abigail Scott Duniway. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT., 1983.
Munnick, Harriet Duncan. Priest's Progress: The Journey of Francis Norbert Blanchet from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific in Three Parishes. Binford & Mort Publishing, Portland, OR., 1989.
Nakata, Deena K. The Gift: The Oregon Nikkei Story Retold. Deena K. Nakata, [Portland, OR.], 1995.
Nokes, J. Richard. Almost A Hero: The Voyages of John Meares, R.N., to China, Hawaii, and the Northwest Coast. Washington State University Press, Pullman, WA., 1998.
-----. Columbia's River: The Voyages of Robert Gray, 1787-1793. Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma, WA., 1991.
Norwood, Gus. Columbia River Power for the People: A History of the Policies of the Bonneville Power Administration. Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR., 1981.
O'Callaghan, Jerry A. The Dispossession of the Public Domain in Oregon. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC., 1960.
O'Donnell, Terrence. An Arrow in the Earth: General Joel Palmer and the Indians of Oregon. Oregon Historical Society Press, Portland, OR., 1991.
Oliphant, J. Orin. On the Cattle Ranges of the Oregon Country. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1968.
Palmer, Joel. Journal of Travels Over the Rocky Mountains . . . . J.A. & U.P. James, Cincinnati, OH., 1847.
Parker, Samuel. Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains . . . . Published by the author, Ithaca, NY., 1838.
Pomeroy, Earl. The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY., 1965.
Potter, Miles. Oregon's Golden Years: Bonanza of the West. The Caxton Printers, Ltd., Caldwell, ID., 1976.
Puter, S. A. D. Looters of the Public Domain. The Portland Printing House, Publishers, Portland, OR., 1908.
Rich, E. E. The History of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1670-1870. 2 vols. Hudson's Bay Record Society, London, 1958-59.
Richardson, Elmo. BLM's Billion-Dollar Checkerboard: Managing the O & C Lands. Forest History Society, Santa Cruz, CA., 1980.
Robbins, William G. Landscapes of Promise: The Oregon Story, 1800-1940. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA., 1977.
Ronda, James P. Astoria and Empire. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE., 1990.
Ruby, Robert H. and John A. Brown. A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1986.
-----. Indians of the Pacific Northwest: A History. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1981.
Schwantes, Carlos Arnaldo. The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE., 1996.
Settle, Raymond, ed. The March of the Mounted Riflemen From Fort Leavenworth to Fort Vancouver, May to October, 1849. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE., 1989.
Simpson, Peter K. The Community of Cattlemen: A Social History of the Cattle Industry in Southeastern Oregon, 1869-1912. University of Idaho Press, Moscow, ID., 1987.
Smith, Courtland. Salmon Fishers of the Columbia. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR., 1979.
Smith, Dwight A. Columbia River Highway Historic District. Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, OR., 1984.
Smith, Dwight A., James B. Norman, and Pieter A. Dykman. Historic Highway Bridges of Oregon. Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, OR., 1985.
Steen, Harold K. The Beginning of the National Forest System. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service FS-488, 1991.
-----. The Origin of the National Forests: A Centennial Symposium. Forest History Society, Durham, NC., 1992.

Straton, Kathryn A. Oregon's Beaches: A Birthright Preserved. Oregon State Parks and Recreation Branch, Salem, OR., 1977.
Suttles, Wayne, ed. Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 7, Northwest Coast, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1990.
Thompson, Erwin N. Shallow Grave at Waiilatpu: The Sagers' West. Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR., 1969.
Tollefson, Gene. BPA & The Struggle for Power at Cost. Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR., 1987.
Townsend, John Kirk. Narrative of a Journey Across the Rocky Mountains, to the Columbia River . . . . Henry Perkins, Philadelphia; Perkins & Marsh, Boston, 1839.
Turnbull, George S. History of Oregon Newspapers. Binfords & Mort, Publishers, Portland, OR., 1939.
Tyler, Robert L. Rebels of the Woods: The I.W.W. in the Pacific Northwest. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR., 1967.
Unruh, John D., Jr. The Plains Across: The Overland Emigrants and the Trans-Mississippi West, 1840-60. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL., 1979.
Vaughan, Thomas, ed. High & Mighty: Select Sketches about the Deschutes Country. Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR., 1981.
Walker, Deward E., Jr., ed. Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 12, Plateau, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1998.
Walth, Brent. Fire at Eden's Gate: Tom McCall and the Oregon Story. Oregon Historical Society Press, Portland, OR., 1994.
Ward, Jean M. and Elaine A. Maveety, eds. Pacific Northwest Women, 1815-1925: Lives, Memories, and Writings. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR.
Webber, Bert. Retaliation: Japanese Attacks and Allied Countermeasures on the Pacific Coast in World War II. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR., 1975.
Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition During the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Vols. 4-5, Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia, 1845.
Willingham, William F. Army Engineers and the Development of Oregon: A History of the Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC., 1983.
Work Projects Administration. Oregon: End of the Trail. Oregon State Board of Control and Binfords & Mort, Publishers, Portland, OR., 1940.